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Posts published in “People”

Newton people in the news…

Tess DeJesus, a graduate of Newton North High School, has been selected by the Charles River Regional Chamber to receive one of four scholarships awarded this year to students in the Chamber’s four communities who are continuing their education in accredited programs. DeJesus was selected in part for her skill…

Newton people in the news…

Newton Community Pride has elected two new board members to further the nonprofit’s mission to build community in Newton through free and accessible arts and culture programming, public art, beautification and service projects: The following students from Newton graduated this spring from the College of William and Mary:

Newton people in the news…

William James College has bestowed honorary degrees on two distinguished Newton residents: Dr. Rochelle Walensky served as the 19th Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2021 to 2023) and before that was at the frontlines of the Covid-19 pandemic, a Professor of Medicine at Harvard University (2012-2021),…

Rep. Kay Khan nominates Ellie Goldberg as Newton’s Commonwealth Heroine

For twenty-one years, Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women (MCSW) has invited state legislators to nominate women in their district to be honored as “Commonwealth Heroines.” This year, Rep. Kay Khan, 11th Middlesex District, chose Ellie Goldberg, a dedicated advocate for children’s health. According to MCSW, which sponsors the…

Newton people in the news…

Greg Reibman, President and CEO of the Charles River Regional Chamber, is one of four recipients of the Housing Hero award presented by the Massachusetts Housing Partnership to honor “hard work and unwavering commitment” to supporting MHP’s goal to increase the supply of affordable housing in Massachusetts. MHP said, “He…

CRRC Spring Breakfast honors Susan Paley, welcomes Housing Secretary Ed Augustus

The Charles River Chamber of Commerce honored Susan Paley, the Village Bank’s retiring Senior Vice President of Community Relations, at its annual Spring Business Breakfast, on Friday, June 7, which was also her last day on the job. Chamber President Greg Reibman spoke of her thoughtfulness, kindness, and support for…

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