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Posts published in “People”

Newton people in the news…

Margaret Morganroth Gullette has published six books on age and ageism, most recently American Eldercide. How It Happened, How to Prevent It, by the University of Chicago Press. The book has been nominated for a Pulitzer Prize and a National Book Award. See her interview in Nonprofit Quarterly. Jameson White…

Newton has a knack for memoirs

Two long-time, well known Newton residents have recently written and published book-length memoirs. The two memoirs are not at all alike. But in deep conversations with both John Stewart and Bob Burke, I have seen that the experience of writing a memoir had changed each of them. John Stewart: My…

Newton South Jazz educator Lisa Linde and Jazz Ensemble receive national recognition

For years, the jazz program at Newton South High School (NSHS) has been consistently recognized as one of the nation’s best. The program’s Jazz Ensemble, directed by celebrated NSHS music educator Lisa Linde, receives top ratings at the Massachusetts Association for Jazz Education’s state festivals and places among the top…

Alicia Piedalue – Sole candidate in Special Election for Ward 7 School Committee, Mar. 18

Newton will hold a city-wide Special Election on March 18 to fill the Ward 7 School Committee seat that became vacant when Amy Davenport moved from Newton last year. Alicia Piedalue is the sole candidate with sufficient certified nominating signatures to be on the ballot. Having moved to Newton two…

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