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Posts published in “Housing”

Nonprofit FamilyAid aims to develop Chetwynde site for transitional housing for families facing homelessness

FamilyAid — a Boston-based nonprofit focused on reducing homelessness and increasing housing stability — is partnering with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities (EOHLC) to create a “Family Navigation Center” in Newton on the site of the former Chetwynde nursing home (1650 Washington Street, next door to…

Eastern Bank Foundation honors Josephine McNeil for leading CAN-DO, making affordable housing available

Josephine McNeil, Co-Founder and Executive Director of CAN-DO has received a 2023 Community Advocacy Award and award grant from the Eastern Bank Foundation for CAN-DO’s role in helping low and very low income residents of Newton access affordable housing and get access to the services they need to achieve more financial security and housing…

Newton Affordable Housing Trust receives CPA funding and supports Warren House proposal

Last night, the Newton Affordable Housing Trust (NAHT) received approval for its second application for Community Preservation Committee (CPC) funds (see CPC agenda). When NAHT was established in 2021 for the purpose of creating and preserving affordable housing throughout the City of Newton, the CPC decided not only support the…

Bruce: Cherry-picked data frames Massachusetts’ “housing crisis”

We need to properly vet the documents and data on which housing goals are based. The state of Massachusetts doesn’t plan with realistic numbers. And Newton’s leaders follow the state’s numbers, which lead our politicians astray. After a recent query to the Mayor’s office, I found her claim that the…

Additional local government meetings this week

Zoning Board of Appeals will meet in person (Council Chamber) and virtually (Zoom link) on Thursday, June 22 at 7PM. The agenda includes a continued public hearing on the Northland 160 Charlemont, LLC, request for a Comprehensive Permit, pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 40B, to construct a nine-story mixed-use development with…

Hershman: Up-zoning does not address housing affordability

Adding density, as legislated in the MBTA Communities Act and proposed by Newton, would transform the built environment in our village centers from New England village feel to Urban/City. It is unnecessary and does not address housing affordability. The Urban Institute has concluded that up-zoning does not lead to greater affordability.…

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