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Posts published in “History”

Indigenous Peoples Day in Newton — 2022

“We’ve waited a lifetime for this day,“ Annawon Weedon, master of ceremonies, told the crowd of approximately 800 people gathered on October 10 at Albemarle Park for Newton’s Second Indigenous Peoples Day event. Weedon noted that there are holidays celebrating Italian, Jewish, and other cultures, but until now, there had…

Intersection: Robert “Coyokiztil” Quesada and Rev. Domenick Ackerman

Robert “Coyokiztil” Quesada According to his bio on the website, “Robert is of Nahua/Chichimeca Zacatecati ancestry, and born and raised in Huchiun, occupied Ohlone Lisjan (Oakland, California),” and with his wife, Mayeta “Yaxochitl” Quesda, founded the “Calpulli Coyoxochitl dance group. Robert, who was the lead dancer and keeper of…

Columbus Day ceremonies at Post 440

A small crowd gathered at the Post 440 in Newton to celebrate Columbus Day. Virginia Gardner, President of the Italian American National Council, led the ceremonies, which included Avery Johnson reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, a reading of President Biden’s 2022 proclamation for Columbus Day (President Biden also made a 2022 proclamation for…

Open House at the Allen House, Sept. 28

The Allen House (35 Webster Street) will be free and open to the public on September 28, 2PM-4PM. See Historic Newton’s fabulous exhibit: An Uncommon Education: The Allen School, chronicling the Nathaniel Allen School, a remarkable 50-year experiment in progressive education, founded in Newton in 1854.

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