Families Organizing for Racial Justice (FORJ) invites the public to the FORJ Family Picnic on August 20, 5PM-7PM, at Auburndale Cove (Site 4). Bring a picnic and join in some end-of-summer family fun. RSVP here.
Posts published in “Helping Others”
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a charity that helps those in need in Newton, is holding a clothing drive this Sunday, June 11, 9AM-Noon and 4PM-6PM. The truck will be located in the parking lot of Our Lady Help of Christians church (parking lot entrance at 279 Adams…
Last week, the Lazer Robotics, an award-winning, Newton-based FIRST LEGO League (FLL) team, completed its multi-year run in FLL by winning of the League’s most prestigious honors – FLL’s Coopertition Award – at the 2023 FLL Open Invitational in Marrakesh, Morocco. Coopertition is a key part of the vision of…
Headquartered at City Hall, the Newton Food Pantry, founded 40 years ago, currently serves more than 2,000 Newton residents — over 270 households every week. It’s a remarkable accomplishment. And no one is more proud of it than Regina Wu, MD, who has served as the Pantry’s president since July…
This year, NewtonSERVES — the City’s annual day of community service projects — drew fewer volunteers that usual but nevertheless accomplished an amazing amount of beautification and habitat restoration across the city. NewtonSERVES ran 36 projects last Sunday and is running ten more during this month. Most of the projects…
An online auction to fund the construction of an inclusive play structure at Wellington Park is near its goal — and ends May 14. Wellington Park in West Newton (Kilburn Road) has become one of the most beloved parks in Newton with its beautiful gardens, open fields, basketball and tennis…
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church (258 Concord Street, Lower Falls) is hosting an Afghan Women’s Craft Sale, 11AM-Noon on Sunday, May 14. Come buy pillows, aprons, cosmetic bags, scrunchies, or baby quilts crafted by women who are Afghan evacuees. The ability of these folks, many of whom are mothers, to supplement…
The Newton-Needham PMC Kids Ride to raise funds for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute will take place for ages 2-15 on May 21, 8AM-11:30AM, at Wells Avenue Office Park. There will be a one-mile loop, a tot loop, and virtual riders.
The Newton South Booster Club will host its second annual Lions 5K, a road race and fundraiser to support Newton South High School athletics and boost overall school and community spirit. It takes place on May 21, and the race starts at 9AM. Last year’s event drew 400 participants, including students,…
The 49th annual Theodore D. Mann Mayor’s Community Breakfast — “Embracing CommUnity” — will be held on May 24, 7:30AM-9:30AM, at the University of Massachusetts Amherst’s Mount Ida Campus, outdoors under a tent on Trustee Field (#10 on map) in front of Shaw Hall. Speakers include Mayor Ruthanne Fuller and…