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Posts published in “Helping Others”

Sister City project connects Newton and Nicaragua: Ecological stoves, reforestation, and free high school

Since 1988, the Newton-San Juan del Sur Sister City Project – founded by former City Councilor and School Board member Rodney Barker, with other Newtonians – has worked to establish a meaningful connection through activism with the city of San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. The nonprofit organization has built and renovated over…

FUUSN monthly social-action lunch: Communities for Restorative Justice, Feb. 9 [POSTPONED]

The First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton (FUUSN) hosts a monthly free lunch with a different social-action speaker each month at FUUSN (1326 Washington Street, West Newton). At noon on February 9, the speaker will be Yael Yaaloz, Program Director at Communities for Restorative Justice (C4RJ). From FUUSN: Yael Yaaloz will speak…

Carroll Center for the Blind: Free summit on research on Stargardt eye disease, Feb. 22

The Carroll Center for the Blind will present the 2nd Annual Stargardt Summit on Saturday, February 22, 10AM-4PM both in-person at the Newton Country Day School of the Sacred Heart (785 Centre Street) and virtually. This free event has speakers and panelists discussing the research of treatments for the Stargardt eye disease, the advancements…

Newton Free Library: Caregivers in Focus — Recognizing and Supporting Family Caregivers in Our Communities, Feb. 26

The Newton Free Library will host a presentation, Caregivers in Focus: Recognizing and Supporting Family Caregivers in Our Communities, where participants can learn about participants the often-overlooked realities of caregiving, deepen their understanding of “caregiver burden” as a pressing public health issue, and leave equipped with actionable insights. It will…

Don’t Forget Your Art!, Mar. 1

Don’t Forget Your Art! will return to the United Parish of Auburndale (64 Hancock Street, Auburndale) on March 1. Doors open at 6:30PM. Admission is $15 ($5 for students) and all proceeds will benefit the community programs of the United Parish of Auburndale. The evening, hosted by Eric Reilly Moore, will…

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