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Posts published in “Environment”

Mothers Out Front Newton joins Gas Safety Working Group

Members of the environmental organization, Mothers Out Front Newton (MOF-Newton) were invited to discuss their concerns about Newton’s defective gas pipeline infrastructure at the June 22nd Public Facilities Committee meeting. According to MOF Newton, National Grid has not been maintaining gas turn-off valve caps (also called gate boxes) in accessible and operable condition. Turning off…

What’s up in Climate news this week?

The Public Facilities Committee will discuss the maintenance of gas turn-off valve covers at its meeting this Wednesday (see Agenda). This item will be preceded by two requests to install and maintain gas mains to service residential properties. The Public Safety and Transportation Committee will discuss and vote on the…

Earth Day Festival – 2023

The city celebrated Earth Day on Sunday, April 24th, with a festival at City Hall. Sponsored by Green Newton, residents had an opportunity to learn about energy savings, electric vehicles and bikes, composting, and had fun!

How Do You Feel About Climate Change?

Newton has a goal to become carbon-neutral by 2050. The Newton Citizens Commission on Energy exists to advise the City on how to address this goal. Volunteer representatives of NCCE have created a confidential, 10-minute survey to hear your opinions about climate change, and understand what you think it will take achieve the 2050…

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