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Posts published in “Environment”

Wilkinson: Vote Yes on override to restore city’s street trees

Getting significant additional funding to help restore the city’s loss of street trees is a major reason that I will vote “Yes” for Newton’s override on March 14. At the beginning of the 1980s, Newton had 39,000 street trees. After years of losing trees that were not replaced, the city…

OP-ED: When it comes to tree preservation, why is Newton so far behind?

When data analysts in Cambridge, MA saw through satellite imagery that the urban tree canopy of the city had precipitously shrunken, the City Council called it an emergency; a moratorium on removing healthy trees was put in place and the City Council of Cambridge enacted a new ordinance protecting healthy…

Newton WinterFEST: Guided Winter Walk

Wintry? Not really. With temperatures in the forties, it felt more like mid-spring. But WinterFEST’s Cold Spring Park winter walk on January 29 was festive. About 120 adults, small children, infants, and dogs gathered Sunday morning for a nature hike put on by Newton Community Pride. Gloria Gavris of Newton…

The 193rd General Court is in session: Senator Cynthia Creem’s legislative update

Among Senator Creem’s “dozens” of recently filed bills is An Act relative to the future of clean heat in the Commonwealth (SD2330). An article in the Boston Globe about the warming winters demonstrated that New England is experiencing record high temperatures. In general, New England is warming faster than any…

OP-ED: Citizens Advocate for A Future WithOut Gas

For years, members of Mothers Out Front, 350Mass Newton, and Green Newton watched in frustration as the DPW and Newton’s Public Facilities Committee agreed to National Grid’s whack-a-mole scattershot approach to gas pipelines. They have not reduced the many high volume and dangerous leaks nor curbed methane emissions.  At the…

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