As a longtime Newton resident, member of Newton’s Urban Tree Commission, and economist researching the economic benefits of trees, I support the strongest possible protection of Newton’s tree canopy. Cutting healthy trees harms every neighborhood in Newton through: Each leads to meaningful costs to Newton residents. While the proposed Tree…
Posts published in “Environment”
The Massachusetts Chapter of the Sierra Club sent this letter to the City of Newton urging leaders to reject the installation of artificial turf at Albemarle Field and use only organic infill materials if the City replaces the artificial turf at Newton South. In the letter, sent on July 5,…
The Charles River Watershed Association is looking for help from community volunteers to clear the invasive water chestnut from the Charles River. The Community Water Chestnut Removal will take place on July 15, 9AM-12PM, at Paddle Boston: Newton Historic Boathouse (2401 Commonwealth Avenue, West Newton). Register here.
The pollinator garden created in Cold Spring Park last October — the product of Dobi Wallober’s Eagle Scout project with Troop 209 — is now in full bloom. Alan Nogee, president of the Friends of Cold Spring Park, presided over a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the garden today, adjacent to the…
A public hearing will be held WEDNESDAY night at 7PM on a citizens’ petition requesting amendments to the City’s Tree Preservation Ordinance. The petition was filed per the City Charter (Art. 10, Sect. 10-2) to provide the City Council with public comment on the need to strengthen the existing Tree…
Created in the 1600s by a dam for a grist mill, Bullough’s Pond is now a Newton landmark. Learn about its history and enjoy a presentation by Newton photographer, Ellen Foust, who shows a selection of cloudscapes and other stunning views. Foust has photographed the pond almost daily since 2018,…
Zoning Board of Appeals will meet in person (Council Chamber) and virtually (Zoom link) on Thursday, June 22 at 7PM. The agenda includes a continued public hearing on the Northland 160 Charlemont, LLC, request for a Comprehensive Permit, pursuant to M.G.L. Chapter 40B, to construct a nine-story mixed-use development with…
Around 8:20AM on Sunday, residents noticed a young black bear wandering the streets and yards of the neighborhood behind Zervas Elementary School, adjacent to Cold Spring Park. Newton Police came to monitor the bear’s location. A resident’s doorbell camera recorded the bear and two NPD cruisers tailing it.
Newton’s plans for an new artificial turf field at Albemarle and to replace artificial turf fields at the high schools are incompatible with its “green” reputation. Surprisingly, in spite of expert testimony and scientific evidence that artificial turf causes health and environmental harm, Newton is proposing to spend $6,872,000 (*)…
The City’s Sustainability Team recently issued an update on the status of Newton’s Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO) in preparation for an upcoming Zoning and Planning Committee meeting. Newton’s Climate Action Plan shows that 66% of the city’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) come from buildings. The Newton Citizens…