Do you want to protect Newton’s environment and fight climate change alongside passionate neighbors? Green Newton is seeking enthusiastic volunteers to make a real difference in the Newton community. Every hour counts! Whether you can dedicate a few hours a month, a whole week, or just want to help out…
Posts published in “Environment”
On Monday, December 16, the City Council passed the Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO) in a near unanimous vote (23 Yea, and Councilor Micley absent). Two friendly amendments were approved: One by Councilor Gentile calls for the BERDO Administrator and Advisory Commission to meet with the Council 90…
The Newton Conservators will offer two Native Seed Sowing Workshops at the Newton Free Library’s Druker Auditorium on January 11. Register for either the morning session (11AM-12:30PM) or the afternoon session (1:30PM-3PM). This coincides with the recent restocking of the Cold Spring Park Little Seed Library, next to the pollinator garden between…
The Sacred Heart and Our Lady Help of Christians Collaborative Creation Care Team invites all to hear from a global environmental health expert speaking about Food & Plastic: Hearing the Cry of the Earth on February 6, 7:30 PM-9PM, at Our Lady Help of Christians’ Lower Hall (573 Washington Street,…
Newton Conservators will be hosting a webinar, Animals Looking for Love on Valentine’s Day, It’s Not Just Humans. Participants will join Barbara Bates for a look at some of Newton’s larger animals looking for love in February and the myths that surround their quests. They will cover owls, groundhogs, skunks,…
There will be a Fix-It Clinic at the Newton Free Library (330 Homer Street, Newton Centre) on Sunday, March 2, 10AM-2PM. If you have a broken household item in your home that you know you could fix with the right guidance, bring it to the clinic. Fix-It Clinics are free…
The Newton Conservators invites all to join the Newton Christmas Bird Count on the morning of Sunday, December 15. Be a Citizen Scientis, and learn more about local birds. Groups of birders head out in the morning to open space areas of Newton to count birds on that date and…
The proposed Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO) was reported out of the Zoning and Planning (ZAP) Committee on Monday night, November 25, after two hours of contentious public comments. BERDO will now be discussed and voted on or amended at the full City Council meeting on December 2. …
Newton Conservators is hosting a webinar — Floodlights and Fireflies: Environmental sustainability starts in your front yard — on Thursday, November 21, 7-8:30PM. Insect populations around the world are declining rapidly. While habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change all have something to do with it, Dr. Avalon Owens shows…
With the aroma of raw, perhaps overly ripe pumpkin in the air, the crowd cheered as a catapult hurled a lumpy, orange gourd overhead before it landed with a satisfying splat. Hundreds of the ubiquitous Halloween fruit met a similar fate during the City’s annual Great Pumpkin Smash held on…