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Posts published in “Business”

Revised plan for Newton Centre Plaza draws mixed reactions from businesses and residents

Newton Centre’s Pilot Plaza proposal has been revised after pushback from local businesses and residents, with the City reducing the number of parking spaces removed and shortening the year-long pilot to run only June through October. While some business owners, after these revisions, are cautiously optimistic about economic potential, others…

Newton builders are Going Green

Many Newton builders, architects, and engineers are focusing on environmental efficiency — part of a movement in the United States to “Go Green.” After peaking in 2005, total greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. have fallen 17%, but emissions from residential and commercial real estate have remained flat. The residential/commercial…

Welcome to KB Vega’s InspiHER Empire

KB Vega has struggled, so she now inspires herself to inspire others who also struggle. Vega grew up in Newton and was raised by “serial entrepreneur” parents in the restaurant business. “I’ve always been around my family, with them holding their own business. So I knew when I was younger,…

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