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Posts published in “Guest Columns (Op-Eds)”

We publish here guest columns (op-eds) with the intent to reflect a broad range of opinions and insights of those who live and/or work in Newton. Please note our submission guidelines and send submissions to

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OP-ED: Attend Earth Day Rally on April 22 …and act!

The March 2023 IPCC Report says that we will cross 1.5°C within 10 years—resulting in climate-caused deaths of millions of people, extinction of many plant and animal species, and migration of millions of refugees. New England is heating up faster than the rest of the planet, so we can expect…

OP-ED: Financial impact of new development and parking standards

We have been following the city’s rezoning redesign efforts for the past few years with keen interest. On April 6, we presented at the Newton Highlands Area Council about 2 topics that we hear questions about regularly: Parking and The Fiscal Impact of New Developments on the City. We were…

OP-ED: Newton can lead in the effort to reduce single-use plastics

According to the MassDEP, New England is facing a landfill crisis. We are running out of space in existing landfills, and very soon we will have to ship our trash to other regions (whose residents are poorer and need the revenue). Even though Newton incinerates its trash, there is still…

OP-ED: We hate plastic waste too but some of these measures go too far

On March 22, the Newton City Council’s Programs and Services Committee will begin discussing a proposal that would ban the sale or distribution of more than one dozen plastic items and limiting the availability of many other items. Among other things, the ordinance would forbid the sale of plastic water…

OP-ED: Village Center Zoning needs a ‘Check Engine’ light

The recently rekindled debate on the scope and possible impact of the proposed Village Center (VC) Zoning plan has seen a variety of reactions from citizens and neighborhood groups. In public meetings hosted by the Zoning and Planning Committee, representatives from these groups presented their concerns (without reference to any…

OP-ED: ZAP’s idealized Village Center “Visualizations” miss the mark

Let’s start with 4 values propositions on which I hope most agree: Unfortunately, it seems that some people either do not share the 4th value in this list or are readily willing to sacrifice it with the massive village centers upzoning proposal that the Zoning & Planning Committee (ZAP) is…

OP-ED: A Future WithOut Gas and for Clean Heat

Gas is not safe, not clean, not green. With our own eyes we see how the climate crisis is increasing the social and financial costs of increasingly extreme weather. The answer is to stop burning fossil fuels while transitioning to a rapid, equitable transition to carbon-free energy sources. On March…

OP-ED: When it comes to tree preservation, why is Newton so far behind?

When data analysts in Cambridge, MA saw through satellite imagery that the urban tree canopy of the city had precipitously shrunken, the City Council called it an emergency; a moratorium on removing healthy trees was put in place and the City Council of Cambridge enacted a new ordinance protecting healthy…

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