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Posts published in “News”

The proposed override & debt exclusions: What’s the impact on taxes? And what relief may be available?

The proposals for an operating override and two debt exclusions, to be decided by voters in the March 14 special election, would each add to property-tax bills. The illustration in this article is based on the City’s example of the median home value in Newton, $1.2 million. The tax bill…

Structural Deficits and Choices

What is a structural deficit? A structural deficit occurs when recurring expenses increase faster than recurring revenues. Although State law requires every city and town, except Boston, to prepare balanced budgets, there is no requirement that those budgets are “sustainable” or structurally balanced (i.e., where recurring revenues are equal to…

Two great guys finally meet…

Our report on the Newton Police Department’s “Make a Senior Your Sweetheart” campaign highlighted the kindness of 11-year old Highlands resident Nate Sorrell, who runs errands for seniors and neighbors unable to do so themselves. Of course, Nate’s kindness did not escape the attention of the kindest man in Newton…

Mark Development in talks with Mass. Department of Housing and Community Development about repurposing Hotel Indigo as a temporary family shelter

According to an email from Mayor Ruthanne Fuller, the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development has contacted Mark Development about the possible use of the former Hotel Indigo as a temporary shelter for homeless families. The hotel, part of the Riverside Development Project, had been slated for demolition, with…

Owner/developer of Gershom Hyde House sues City, Mayor, Historic Commission, and City staff

Ty Gupta, owner and developer of the historic Gershom Hyde House at 29 Greenwood Road has filed suit this week in Middlesex County Court against the City of Newton as well as individual City staff members, Historic Commission members, and the Mayor over their handling of the project. The developer bought…

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