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Posts published in “News”

‘Vote Yes for Newton’ raises $40K; ‘No Override Newton’ fails to file

The Vote Yes for Newton ballot committee filed its pre-election report with City Hall on Monday, covering the year up to February 24. Their documents (Part A, Part B) are available on the City’s campaign finance reports page. The group previously disclosed its 2022 financials on January 20. The Yes group reported raising $43,875, with…

New Philharmonia Orchestra’s French, American, and Ukrainian connections

On Sunday, March 12, the New Philharmonia Orchestra, led by Principal Conductor Jorge Soto, will perform at Brown Middle School, featuring Ukrainian-born soprano Olga Lisovska. In another of the Orchestra’s World Reflections series, the concert is making the French/American/Ukrainian connection. Mme. Lisovska will sing Juliet’s Waltz, from Romeo and Juliet…

New Superintendent contract approved, 2024 Budget discussed at March 1 School Committee meeting

The School Committee meeting on March 1 began with Superintendent Kathy Smith’s regular update, during which she talked about the decision not to declare a snow day on February 28, and reported on ongoing NPS lobbying efforts in the community regarding the vote on the proposed override on March 14.…

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