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Posts published in “News”

Arts, culture, and politics

With both of Newton’s long-time State Representatives retiring at the end of 2024, local groups have sponsored debates and forums with the three candidates in each district running for their House seats. Generally, their debates have focused on health care, education, housing and development, and public transportation. But MASSCreative —…

Mayor presents Long-Range Financial Plan and Five-Year Financial Forecast, with optimism and warnings

On October 7, Mayor Ruthanne Fuller and Chief Financial Officer Maureen Lemieux presented the City’s Long-Range Financial Plan and Five-Year Financial Forecast for FY2026-2030. The Mayor outlined what she called a “comprehensive, forward looking, financially stable, and fiscally disciplined” plan designed to: At the same time, the Mayor warned of…

City reviews $2 million request from First Baptist Church in Newton Center to help repair its bell tower

The First Baptist Church in Newton has requested $2 million in Community Preservation funds from the City to help pay for a $4.45 million restoration of its historic bell tower. The proposal is being reviewed by the Community Preservation Committee and the City Council. Why does the bell tower need…

NPS Special Education overhaul underway

The October 7th School Committee meeting was dominated by a two-and-a-half hour presentation and discussion of substantial changes that Newton Public Schools (NPS) is implementing to Special Education (summarized on page 42 of the presentation). NPS Assistant Superintendent of Student Services Casey Ngo-Miller and NPS Director of Multi-Tiered Systems of…

109 Newtonians have raised $246,316 for the Jimmy Fund Marathon Walk on Oct. 6 — 97% of their goal

Stop the presses! We have just learned of the 29 members of Team ANYA — all walking in the Jimmy Fund Marathon Walk to support osteosarcoma research — inspired by Anya, a Cabot student celebrating two years of scans clear of this cancer. That makes not 80, but 109 Newton…

Police to auction off unclaimed property

The Newton Police Department will soon sell the unclaimed and abandoned property listed in this public notice in an online auction on starting on or after October 29 — minus any items that are rightfully claimed before that date. Anyone who may have a claim to any items listed…

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