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Posts published in “News”

School Committee votes on significant change to budgeting for employee benefits, restores some classroom cuts

During a special meeting on Tuesday, April 25, the School Committee voted to accept Mayor Fuller’s in-meeting proposal to transfer responsibility for making Newton Public Schools (NPS) employees’ Other Post-Employment Benefits (OPEB) contributions from the NPS budget to the City budget. This proposal effectively rejected Ward 2 representative Chris Brezski’s…

Meeting updates

The City Council’s Committee of the Whole Meeting originally scheduled for Wednesday, April 26 at 8AM has been rescheduled to Wednesday, May 3 at 8AM (see Meeting Cancellation Notice and Agenda). Newtonville Area Council will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Thursday, April 27 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

Newton celebrates Earth Day

Earth Day weekend came to a close, but not due to poor weather. Neither Saturday’s 50-degree chills nor Sunday’s rain could prevent a hundred or so people from gathering on each of those days to celebrate and draw attention to Newton’s actions toward a greener future.  Two events – the…

Earth Day: NSHS students clean up playground, attend Newton Dems climate-action rally

On April 22, returning from a clean-up of the Newton Centre Playground, Newton South High School’s Green Student Movement, Key Club, and UNICEF chapters attended the Newton Democratic City Committee Earth Day rally on the Newton Centre Green.  Although their appearance was unplanned, club leaders and participants said that attending…

Reuse! Recycle! Compost!

That is the subtext of the proposed ban on single-use plastic water bottles in Newton currently under consideration by the City Council’s Programs and Services Committee. The proposed ordinance, offered by Councilor Vicki Danberg (Ward 6, at-large) would expand upon Newton’s ban on the commercial use plastic bags to other…

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