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Posts published in “News”

Fran Yerardi gets to YES

In the last three months of 2023, Fran Yerardi has organized the path to “YES” for Nonantum and for Newton.  On September 14, an angry meeting between City leaders and Nonantum and other Newton residents sparked the beginning of a well organized initiative to limit the scope of Newton’s planned…

City Council leaders-elect Laredo and Kalis announce committee assignments

On December 19, President-Elect Marc Laredo and Vice President-Elect David Kalis announced their assignments of City Councilors to the Council’s seven standing committees for the 2024-25 term. The incoming Council leaders emphasized that in making these assignments, they “paid careful attention to making sure that leadership roles are distributed fairly…

NPS and NTA positions remain significantly apart despite additional funding

Mo money, mo problems. As the rapper Notorious B.I.G. sang in 1992, more financial resources do not appear to have resolved the negotiating impasse between the School Committee and the teacher’s union. Following Sunday evening’s pledge by Mayor Fuller of additional funding for Newton Public Schools (NPS), Monday’s events illustrated…

City Council approves NNHS Dickinson Field artificial turf and track replacement

Newton North’s Artificial Turf Field’s Replacement project will more forward. In its final meeting on Monday, December 18, the City Council approved a request to appropriate $2.4 million from Certified Free Cash to replace Newton North’s Dickinson Field and resurface its track. Proponents have argued that the current field needs…

City Council’s 2023 Final Meeting: Hail and Farewell

On Monday, December 18, the Newton City Council met for the last time in 2023. Outgoing Council President Susan Albright concluded her two terms by inviting her six departing colleagues to serve as acting president and give their farewell speeches. Their comments were interspersed with City Council Committee reports. Ward…

Rep. Jake Auchincloss reviews the year and looks ahead

At the end of his third — and most contentious — year in Congress, Rep. Jake Auchincloss can claim some bi-partisan achievements. The capping out-of-pocket Medicare costs at $2000 and insulin prices at $35 was a feature of the Biden Administration’s Inflation Reduction Act, however. Congressman Auchincloss is working on…

Mayor announces potential increase in NPS funding, specifics to be determined

In an e-newsletter sent on Sunday December 17, Mayor Ruthanne Fuller announced that she had indicated commitment for “70% of $26 million” in property tax Overlay Surplus funds to supplement the existing Newton Public Schools (NPS) budget. Background: Since the March 2023 operating override vote was not approved and the…

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