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Posts published in “News”

Nancy Schön — Sculpting her own path

Passing by the Boston Public Garden on a lazy summer afternoon, it’s hard to miss one of the city’s most iconic landmarks. The Make Way for Ducklings sculpture marches along the edge of the garden’s path. Yet, beneath the surface (and often, decorations), of Mrs. Mallard and her eight ducklings…

Newton’s tree canopy over the years

On December 18, 2023, the Newton City Council updated the 1999 Newton Tree Preservation Ordinance (TPO). The revised TPO applies to private properties and protects trees that are six inches and larger in diameter at breast height (DBH, 4.5 feet above ground). Removal of all trees requires one of two…

City to use DEI survey results to better understand and address community needs

In early spring this year, the City of Newton released an online Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) survey for residents and employees to complete. Open for community input until May 31, the survey included questions about various experiences regarding race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, disabilities, etc., and it…

Newton people in the news…

Jason Garb, a recent graduate of Berklee College of Music, will be the keyboardist for FifteenØeight at Lollapalooza in Chicago, IL on August 2, as part of the Berklee Popular Music Institute, an innovative, year-long class that brings students and Berklee-affiliated acts to major U.S. music festivals.  Emily Rachel Ochlis has…

Whalemobile makes a splash at the library

Unlike the characters in Disney’s “Pinocchio” — who were swallowed whole by Monstro, an evil whale — on Thursday lots of Newton kids eagerly crawled inside a massive inflatable Humpback as part of an educational program at the Newton Free Library. The Whalemobile, which is used as a teaching tool…

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