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Posts published in “News”

School Committee Votes to Hire Dr. Kathleen Smith as Interim Superintendent

The School Committee voted unanimously to offer Kathleen Smith, an experienced Massachusetts school superintendent, the Interim Superintendent position for Newton Public Schools.  The vote is subject to contract negotiations and her term would be from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.  Dr. Smith is presently the Interim Superintendent for…

Nine Newton Artful Pianos

Nine pianos have been donated, decorated, and installed in village centers for everyone’s enjoyment from now until Labor Day. Each piano is a centerpiece of music, art, and community, providing opportunities for residents to connect with their creativity and with each other through planned events and impromptu concerts. The pianos…

What’s up in Climate news this week?

The Public Facilities Committee will discuss the maintenance of gas turn-off valve covers at its meeting this Wednesday (see Agenda). This item will be preceded by two requests to install and maintain gas mains to service residential properties. The Public Safety and Transportation Committee will discuss and vote on the…

Upcoming Land Use Public Hearings in July

July appears to be a busy month for the Land Use Committee with some heavy hitter projects set for public hearings. Mark your calendars: July 12th: Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval by Packard Cove Associates, LLP for a marijuana research facility at 241 – 247 Riverview Avenue Request…

Big Agenda for School Committee Meeting

The School Committee will meet on Tuesday, June 21st, and begin its meeting by entering into Executive Session to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel in regards to compensation for assistant superintendents and to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining. After the executive session, the…

Community Meeting – Village Center Zoning – June 21

The Zoning Redesign ‘Community Engagement Network’ will be meeting on Tuesday, June 21, 6PM-7:30PM with an optional public Q&A from 7:30PM to 8PM. Go here to join the Zoom meeting. The network is comprised of volunteers from the community who will work with city staff to provide information and engage…

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