21 City Councilors sent this letter of Support for H.4730, An Act Relative to the Electrification of New and Substantially Remodeled or Rehabilitated Buildings in the City of Newton. The bill, presented by State Representative Ruth Balser, requires all new construction and substantial renovations to be all-electric and end reliance…
Posts published in “News”
The City Council sent this letter to Chairs Michlewitz and Rodrigues of the Joint Committee on Ways and Means, requesting their support for $85 million in the Supplemental Budget for the MassDOT Commuter Rail Accessibility Improvements project in the City of Newton. The Council cited four major project benefits and…
The Co-Director of Sustainability, Bill Ferguson, sent this memo to the City Council’s Zoning and Planning Committee to update its work on outreach to the Business community regarding BERDO (Building Emissions Reduction and Disclosure Ordinance) for Newton. The memo details the work of the BERDO Team which consists of 6…
The Finance Committee will vote on a recommendation by the Community Preservation Committee to allocate $3,000,000 in CPA funding for the West Newton Armory Project – to create 43 units of affordable housing. Specifically, the request is for $2,373,470.71 coming from the FY22 Unrestricted Funds, and the remaining $626,529.29 to…
A request for $133,002 CPA funds from the Unrestricted Prior Year Funds to be allocated to the control of the Planning & Development Department for the completion of the 100% design of the Commonwealth Avenue Carriageway Redesign project in Auburndale will be before the Finance Committee on Monday, June 27th.…
The CPA has recommended the reallocation of $475,876.14 in unused CPA funds remaining in the Covid-19 Emergency Housing Assistance Project Account for use in another CPA-eligible project in the future. The City Council had authorized two separate proposals in 2020 and 2021 to use $3.2 million in CPA funding for…
The Parks and Recreation Commission will hold public hearings on Monday, June 27th at 7:00 p.m. on the Albemarle Redesign, Gath Pool, and the Cabot Park Pavillion Project. The Commission will also receive an update on the Field Improvement Plans for the Burr School, McGrath Park, and the Brown/Oak Hill…
The Zoning and Planning Committee will continue its discussions on Village Center Zoning. See agenda. Last week, the Building Professionals Zoning Working Group has submitted comments on Village Center Zoning. See Local Building Professionals’ Comments on Draft Village Center Zoning email and Local Building Professionals’ Memo. This week, the Council received an email…
The proposal to create a 209-unit elder housing project (129 independent units – studio – 2 bedrooms, 52 Assisted Living Units – studio – 2 bedrooms, and 28 Memory Care Units – studio only) with services is back on the Land Use Agenda this Tuesday evening (see agenda and Planning…
The Newton Affordable Housing Trust will hold its first meeting online this Wednesday, June 29 at 6:00 p.m. (agenda and Zoom link). The Committee consists of the Mayor, Ward 6 at-large Councilor Alicia Bowman, Mayoral appointees Tamirirashe Gambiza, Ann Houston, Jason Korb, and Peter Sargent, and Community Preservation Committee member…