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Posts published in “News”

[UPDATED] Green Newton reverses position and now supports tree-removal waiver for Newton Cemetery and Arboretum

Acknowledging input offered by the Newton Conservators, Green Newton has written a second letter to the Mayor, this time expressing support for a request by the Newton Cemetery and Arboretum (NC&A) for a waiver from compliance with the Tree Preservation Ordinance for its Phase II expansion. The Newton Conservators had…

Newton resident Farzana Mohamed appointed to State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education

Ms. Mohamed joins fellow Newton residents Matt Hills and Martin West On Wednesday, July 27, Governor Baker appointed Newton resident Farzana Mohamed to a 5-year term on the State Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE).  Tricia Canavan of Springfield, MA was also appointed.  “Both Ms. Canavan and Ms. Mohamed…

Village Center Zoning: Phase II begins

Plans are underway for the second phase of community engagement on Village Center Zoning. On August 1, in the third meeting of the Community Engagement Network, Network members had an opportunity to review the finalized engagement material and get answers to questions regarding the community engagement plans. This next phase…

How are our restaurants doing?

According to Mayor Fuller, they are bouncing back. In her weekly newsletter, Mayor Fuller, drawing on the final quarter of FY2022 meals taxes states, “Newton’s restaurants are on the rebound after a devastating drop in customers in FY2021.” Citing revenues during the past fiscal year, she reports that they “are very nearly…

Better Bus Project?

The MBTA is overhauling its bus network system with a “Bus Network Redesign” described by the MBTA as a “once-in-a-generation opportunity.” The MBTA is proposing improvements to the bus network and has been holding public meetings since May. The proposed changes that would impact Newton’s bus service can be found…

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