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Posts published in “News”

Newton News Foundation applies for ARPA funding to start Newton Beacon digital news site

The nonprofit Newton News Foundation is planning to launch a digital news site, the Newton Beacon, next year. This week it announced its application to the City of Newton for ARPA funding: The Newton News Foundation, Inc. has applied to the City of Newton for start-up ARPA funding for The Newton Beacon in…

Your guide to arts organizations in Newton

The arts are having a resurgence in the city post-pandemic. Murals and other public art are popping up in village centers, and live music can be heard in parks and courtyards. Several organizations bring the arts alive in the city of Newton. Here is a brief guide to the larger umbrella organizations. In the future,…

Final guidelines released by Massachusetts DHCD for MBTA Communities

The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) recently released final guidelines for multi-family zoning requirements for the MBTA Communities Act. During the comment period earlier this year, nine Newton City Councilors (Albright, Lipof, Downs, Crossley, Bowman, Kelley, Noel, Humphrey, and Kalis) submitted comments that: Supported the 25-50 acre size…

Climate and Clean Energy Bill becomes law

Massachusetts State Senator Cindy Creem has shown a genuine commitment to her constituents to get climate solutions enacted into law. Nevertheless, it was her granddaughter’s concerns about the climate crisis that prompted her to do even more to work for progress at the Statehouse in recent months. As Chair of the…

How we got the Climate Bill – and what’s in it for Newton

On August 11, Governor Baker signed a comprehensive climate bill into law that will hasten Massachusetts’ transition to energy free of fossil fuels, including a pilot program allowing ten municipalities, including Newton, to ban fossil fuels in new multi-family buildings. Climate activists and legislators had expressed some concern that the Governor…

Debate and Uncertainty over the draft 2022-2023 District Goals for NPS

At the August 8 School Committee meeting, the members discussed with the NPS administration the draft NPS Systemic Goals for the academic year 2022-2023. The Systemic Goals are in three categories: Educational Goals, Family and Community Communication Goals, and Operational Goals. Educational Goals are subdivided into Academic Excellence, Educational Equity, and Social…

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