What’s the big deal about a small creature like the monarch butterfly? It may have something to do with the monarch being the favorite butterfly of most people and that it was recently declared “endangered.” Their numbers have indeed dropped precipitously over the last twenty years due to widespread destruction…
Posts published in “News”
This fall is the soft-opening for Newton’s first zero-waste store and refill station, Fulfilled Goods LLC (612 Washington Street). You’ll find bulk hand and dish soap, laundry detergent, shampoo and conditioner, lotion, and more available for purchase using your own containers from home or donated and sanitized containers available at the store.…
On Wednesday, September 14, the Newton Democratic City Committee‘s Climate Crisis Subcommittee hosted a webinar on residential climate opportunities. In it, the City of Newton’s Energy Coach, Liora Silkes, discussed the City’s 4OurFuture campaign to educate residents about four steps they can take to help Newton meet its goal of being…
Sunday was beautiful and fun, and Newtonville Village Day was a huge success, with a steady stream of people from the village and all parts of Newton. This year offered a much broader range of vendors, bolstered in part by the newer restaurants in the village. There were more activities…
View presentation online or at the Newton Free Library; Provide your feedback by October 16 On September 1, the Planning Department mounted the Zoning and Planning Committee’s Village Center Zoning Redesign framework governing changes to height and footprint of buildings, village center density, special and by-right permits, parking requirements, multiple…
Two different amendments to the Tree Preservation Ordinance: One by the Mayor and another by a group of 13 City Councilors (Councilors Malakie, Norton, Leary, Ryan, Wright, Lucas, Humphrey, Bowman, Markiewicz, Oliver, Downs, Laredo, and Grossman). Both proposed amendmets will be discussed by the Programs and Services Committee at its…
The four Area Councils — Newton Highlands, Newtonville, Upper Falls, and Waban — will hold two special meetings to inform the community about Newton’s Zoning Redesign Proposal. See Agenda. Saturday, September 24 at 2PM, both in-person at the Waban Library Center (1608 Beacon Street) and virtually (Zoom link – Passcode: 700015). Tuesday,…
Meeting agenda: Introduction of new elementary principals, capital projects update The September 19 School Committee began with a single public commenter, Dr. Phoebe Olhava, applauding the NPS commitment to creating a “culture of fairness and belonging.” However, Dr. Olhava went on to say the NPS Statement of Values and Commitment…
The MBTA will temporarily close the Green Line Riverside (D) branch between Kenmore and Riverside, running shuttle buses along the route (except for Beaconsfield) during these closures: September 24-October 2, October 8-16, and October 22-30. Parking lots at Waban and Eliot stations will be not be available during these closures.…
Mayor Fuller recently announced the allocation of $23 million of the total of $63 million of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding that Newton received in 2021. ARPA, signed into law in March 2021, granted funds to states and municipalities to respond to the public health and economic impacts of the…