After the Mayor’s override announcement and presentation, the City Council resumed its meeting to address items deferred from the previous meeting. The first item discussed was proposal to amend the Accessory Dwelling Unit Ordinance (see Fig City News article). After Chair Crossley gave the Zoning and Planning Report, Councilor Baker provided a brief…
Posts published in “News”
Since 1930, the Waban Library — now Waban Library Center — has been “a place to browse books and browse ideas,” says Chris Pitts, President of the Waban Improvement Society, which oversees the Waban Library Center. The land and building were donated as one of Newton’s branch libraries by generous…
“We’ve waited a lifetime for this day,“ Annawon Weedon, master of ceremonies, told the crowd of approximately 800 people gathered on October 10 at Albemarle Park for Newton’s Second Indigenous Peoples Day event. Weedon noted that there are holidays celebrating Italian, Jewish, and other cultures, but until now, there had…
Robert “Coyokiztil” Quesada According to his bio on the website, “Robert is of Nahua/Chichimeca Zacatecati ancestry, and born and raised in Huchiun, occupied Ohlone Lisjan (Oakland, California),” and with his wife, Mayeta “Yaxochitl” Quesda, founded the “Calpulli Coyoxochitl dance group. Robert, who was the lead dancer and keeper of…
A crowd of Auburndale residents gathered at a parklet in Auburndale Square to remember the late Polly Bryson, former Ward 4 Alderman who served for 18 years. Former Parks and Recreation Market Manager and Auburndale resident, Judy Dore and Joan McGrath, wife of the late former Ward 4 Alderman-at-Large, Richard…
Eagle Scout candidate Dobi Wallober led the design and installation of a new pollinator preservation garden in Cold Spring Park, working with volunteers from his Troop 209, the Friends of Cold Spring Park, and the Newton Conservators. The goal of the garden is to provide habitat for bumblebees and butterflies…
In a busy School Committee meeting on October 3, after approximately two and half hours of discussions about the NPS reading curriculum and Massachusetts Association of School Committees (MASC) policy recommendations, the School Committee turned to voting on the 2022-2023 System Wide Goals. The motion to approve the Goals passed…
A small crowd gathered at the Post 440 in Newton to celebrate Columbus Day. Virginia Gardner, President of the Italian American National Council, led the ceremonies, which included Avery Johnson reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, a reading of President Biden’s 2022 proclamation for Columbus Day (President Biden also made a 2022 proclamation for…
At the October 3 meeting of the Full City Council, Councilors chartered three proposals, ending discussion, deliberation, and debate of those items. To “charter” an item means to invoke the Charter Objection, defined in Article II, Sec. 2-9(c) of the City Charter as: “On the first occasion that the question…
In his almost 40 years on the Newton Police force, Lt. Bruce Apotheker has worked with eight chiefs, helped with cases both local and international, and pushed to make the city a safer place for people of all backgrounds. One of his favorite parts of the job has been his…