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Posts published in “News”

Interim Superintendent and Mayor make emotional pitch for Override at School Committee meeting

The January 23 School Committee meeting contained a busy agenda, beginning with several Asian-American constituents, including NPS parents and students making public comments to voice their support for making Lunar New Year a public school holiday. An additional commenter supported the same for Diwali. The main topic discussed was the proposed…

Committee formed to oppose Override ballot questions

A ballot-question committee, No Override Newton, was formed two weeks ago to advocate against the approval of three override proposals totaling $14.9 million. The three questions will be decided in an election in March. The No Override Newton committee is chaired by Traute Marshall, and Lynne LeBlanc is treasurer. (As reported earlier,…

MassDOT Route 128/I-95 Study Update

On January 18, the MassDOT hosted its third public hearing on the multi-faceted analysis of land use options along 128/I-95 — from Newton to Lexington — for housing, transportation, and economic development. According to the project fact sheet, “The study will develop and analyze alternatives, present policy and infrastructure recommendations…

City receives Moody’s Aaa Bond Rating

Moody’s Investors Service assigned a Aaa general obligation limited tax (GOLT) rating today to the City of Newton’s $20.3 million General Obligation Municipal Purpose Loan of 2023 Bonds. According to Moody’s, “The issuer rating reflects the city’s ability to repay debt and debt-like obligations without consideration of any pledge, security,…

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