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Posts published in “Reports”

Public Facilities Committee – 4/17/24 Report

Public Facilities approved the following (see Report and watch NewTV video): DPW Vehicle Replacement Program (Item #187-24): Authorization to spend $1 million from certified free cash to replace aging DPW vehicles, including two 6-wheel and one 10-wheel trucks, integral to operations like snow removal. Approved unanimously. (8-0) Hydro Vacuum Excavator…

Public Safety & Transportation Committee – 4/17/24 Report

Public Safety & Transportation approved the following (see Report and watch NewTV video): Minor Street Play Ordinance (Item #40-24): Amended Chapter 26-19 of Newton Ordinances to allow play and other community activities on minor streets, consistent with current practices, with specific prohibitions against dangerous activities like kite flying on overpasses.…

Traffic Council – 4/11/24 Report

The Traffic Council voted to Approve (see Report and watch NewTV video): A resident requested the 3 Needham St RRFBs be installed after the street’s reconstruction and noted an accessible ramp by Easy St is missing. DPW seemed open to waiting and said they are working on a prioritization process…

Programs & Services Committee – 4/10/24 Report

Programs & Services approved the following (see Report and watch NewTV video): Tennis Court Resurfacing at Newton South High School (Item #176-24): Authorization to transfer $165,000 for resurfacing eight tennis courts, completing the renovation started with ARPA funds last year. The project is scheduled to begin after spring sports and…

Finance Committee – 4/8/24 Report

Finance voted to approve the following (see Report and watch NewTV video): Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 41, Section 100G: Authorization for the City to provide up to $2,000 for funeral and burial expenses for firefighters or police officers killed in the line of duty, aligning city policy with state law.…

Zoning & Planning Committee – 4/8/24 Report

The Zoning & Planning Committee approved the following (see Report and watch NewTV video): Special Permit for Retaining Walls Over Four Feet (Item #76-24(2)): Approval of an ordinance amendment requiring a special permit for retaining walls over four feet, with modifications to include multiple walls within 25 feet as one…

Public Facilities – 4/3/24 Report

Public Facilities voted to approve the following (see Report and watch NewTV video): Eversource petition for Grant of Location for 150 Jackson Road: Eversource Energy received approval to relocate two utility poles to support infrastructure improvements for the new Lincoln Eliot Elementary School. (7-0) Public Facilities voted to hold the…

Public Safety & Transportation – 4/3/24 Report

Public Safety & Transportation voted to approve the following (see Report and watch NewTV video): New Public Auto Licenses: Vasif Vali’s request for a new public auto license for Vali Bros Transportation LLC, and Abderrahmane Fellah’s request for AB Inc., were both approved after vehicles passed inspections. (7-0) Massachusetts General…

Land Use – 4/2/24 Report

Land Use voted to approve the following (see Report and watch NewTV video): Request to allow a for-profit school at 2 Wells Avenue: TWO WELLS AVE EQUITY IND. PART. received approval to operate a vacation day camp at 2 Wells Avenue. The camp, aimed at employees’ children of Bright Horizons,…

Real Property Reuse – 3/28/24 Report

Real Property Reuse voted to hold the following (see Report and watch NewTV video): Reuse of a parcel of land on Grove and Hancock Street: The committee held the discussion on the 36,356 sq. ft. city-owned parcel at 169 Grove Street and 136 Hancock Street in Ward 4, with a…

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