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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

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We publish here Letters to the Editor with the intent to reflect a broad range of opinions and insights of Newton residents. Please note our submission guidelines and send letters (maximum of 300 words) to

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on Fig City News are those of the writer and not Fig City News.

McEvoy: Repair Dick McGrath’s Memorial Fountain

The destruction of Dick McGrath’s Memorial Fountain occurred in winter a year ago.  I saw it a day or two after the destruction. The large bronze fountain was lying on the ground several feet away. I called the City, concerned that someone could grab it take it to a junkyard and…

Deegan: Support proposed housing at 78 Crafts Street

I strongly support the proposed housing development at 78 Crafts Street in Newtonville.  I have lived in Newtonville since 1978. I moved here when I married and began my professional career. I rode the commuter train to Boston for years. My sons attended Newton K-12 public schools. I want future Newtonians to have…

DiVitto: Opposing expansion of private jets at Hanscom Field

The Newton chapter of Mothers Out Front would like to thank the City Councilors who signed the position statement opposing the expansion of private jets at Hanscom Field (Vicki Danberg, Rebecca Grossman, Andreae Downs, Stephen Farrell, Martha Bixby, Alison Leary, Maria Greenberg, Bill Humphrey, Alan Lobovits, Dave Micley, Andrea Kelley,…

van der Laan: This morning at the Freedge

This morning as I headed for Stop and Shop, I stopped by the Freedge to drop off some boxes of oatmeal. I was thinking about how that would be a great food for a family. I had images of children at a table spooning the warm cereal into their hungry…

Gordon: Honoring Marian F. Davidson Mandell Jacobson on her 90th birthday

On February 24, Marian F. Davidson Mandell Jacobson celebrated her 90th birthday. Like the hub of an ornately carved wheel, Marian connected many friends with each other for years, always inclusive and welcoming to her culturally active life. She grew up in West Roxbury and Brookline, settling in Newton in…

Fadel: Do the math

In a recent Boston Globe op-ed, former Newton School Committee member, Matt Hills, dismissed the impact of the prolonged contract negotiations and strike claiming the final result was practically so close to the school committee’s initial proposal to render it meaningless (or in his words “much ado about nothing”). A week…

McGlothlin: Issue a Pension Obligation Bond to fund schools and other City services

Newton will contribute $43.5 million to its pension plan in fiscal year 2024, $37 million of which (7.4% of budget) to fund our $300 million pension deficit by FY2032. Pension contributions will grow 6.6% per year, far outpacing growth in revenues. Without adjustment, the budget share going to pension contributions…

Veloz: Mayor Fuller, end the strike

My partner and I are recent transplants to Auburndale. We love it here, and we’re glad her son was at Williams Elementary and is now at Brown Middle School. The teachers and support staff at both schools have been fantastic, and he’s thrived in all the ways a parent can…

Roberts: A call to action for our schools

I write as a decade-plus veteran of teaching both in the profession and in the city of Newton. I’ve spent my entire career at North North HS, following training through the Newton Teacher Residency and stints as a substitute at Bigelow and Newton South HS. Along with my fellow educators,…

Ward: More public feedback for Washington Street road diet

I am disappointed that the Public Facilities Committee swiftly voted to approve a road diet of Washington St. without further consideration for feedback from residents who will be most impacted. In 2018 the Newtonville Area Council conducted a thorough survey asking residents for input on desired improvements to Washington St.…

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