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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

We publish here Letters to the Editor with the intent to reflect a broad range of opinions and insights of Newton residents. Please note our submission guidelines and send letters (maximum of 300 words) to

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on Fig City News are those of the writer and not Fig City News.

DiVitto & Renaud: Stop expansion of private jet capacity at Hanscom Field

As part of a growing number of citizens concerned about climate change (including heat waves, floods, and fires), we want to advocate against the proposed plan by developers to expand private jet capacity at Hanscom Field in Bedford, MA. Hanscom is owned by Massport and is the largest private jet airport…

Dolan: Why does Newton need more consultants?

Minnesota just chose a new state flag in an open competition. The current (and longest-tenured) version of the U.S. flag was designed by a high school student. Why does Newton need to pay consultants $25,000 to design a new seal? Lucia DolanNewton Centre

Rosenbaum: City is ignoring the dangers of artificial turf

I’m so disappointed to read that the City Council has approved artificial turf for one of the city’s fields. I was part of a team of Newton citizens who have studied the situation, who have learned about the dangers that artificial turf poses to children, and who called both City…

Civetta: Four Corners is not a village

As a lifelong resident or homeowner in Newton, I learned the 13 villages of the City of Newton in 4th or 5th grade. I can assure you that Four Corners is not an official village. To list it as one is misleading. It is a neighborhood of Newton Center and…

Traxler: Artificial turf opponents, what solution do you propose?

A recent letter to the editor outlined why Newton should reject the installation of any new synthetic turf. The letter concludes with “They all say ‘The science is clear.’ Artificial turf is a bad choice for Newton.“ As a resident  involved with Youth Athletics in Newton for over a decade…

Freudberg: Surviving another winter with the overnight parking ban

At 2AM this December 1, Newton’s overnight parking ban returns. The City Council has made up its mind: the ban is worth all the trouble it causes, at least for another winter. For these next four long months, many Newton residents will find themselves once again walking to and from…

Goldberg: Listen to the experts about artificial turf, don’t ignore warnings

The local group Better Action Now on Artificial Turf in Newton is thrilled that Dr. Phil Landrigan has let city councilors know that he opposes Mayor Fuller’s request for $2,400,000 for an artificial turf field at Newton North High School. See details here.  Dr. Landrigan is a Newton resident and a leading global public health…

Ingerson: Cows in Newton? Not such a distant memory as you might think!

Julie Cohen’s recent article about the cow sculpture Bill Joyce is displaying in his Newtonville yard (tosupport the Jimmy Fund) reminded me of a few more “cow facts” Newton residents might not know butthat are well-documented in the collections held by Historic Newton: Farming, including dairy farming, survived on the…

Belleville: Don’t up-zone lots that don’t count toward MBTA compliance

In regards to the current debate on rezoning Newton’s village centers, a call was made by many of the City Council Candidates who prevailed on November 7 to just zone for the 8,330 units required for MBTA Communities compliance and no more. In her November 14 newsletter, the Mayor said…

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