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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

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We publish here Letters to the Editor with the intent to reflect a broad range of opinions and insights of Newton residents. Please note our submission guidelines and send letters (maximum of 300 words) to

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Goldberg: Do we need those yellow pipes?

On October 7 a group of Newton’s clean energy advocates sent a proposal to the Public Facilities Committee suggesting changes to the permitting  procedure for National Grid’s new high pressure plastic gas pipelines.  The proposal asks the Committee to first develop a city-wide plan for pipelines instead of automatically approving…

Myrvaagnes: Newton has a right to be a suburb

I agree that the City village rezoning “survey” in play is inadequate. More needs to be done to inform residents about the nitty-gritty building height proposals. Detailed maps for the areas under consideration must be supplied for any result to be meaningful. But the larger question, not broached, is the…

Pillsbury: Provide your feedback on Village Center Zoning

There is still time to give your input on the zoning for village centers. The feedback tool will be online for only a few more days. It’s been online since Sept. 1st but you still have time. It doesn’t take long to complete. To me one of the important aspects…

Block: Community engagement process lacks transparency

The Newton Planning Department has developed a survey to measure community response to several proposed zoning changes for our village centers that the Zoning & Planning (ZAP) Committee is debating.  The crux of the survey (found here) is “What is the maximum building height you would like to see in…

Rucinski: City’s zoning proposals on the wrong track

In the discussion about new zoning ordinances, the City has proposed characterizing current village centers as either small, medium, or large and imposing different height limits per village size category. Also, parking space requirements would be significantly reduced for residential, office, and commercial construction. Both with respect to basing future…

Rosenbaum: Preserve mature, healthy trees

As a resident of Newton for over 50 years, I am writing about the need to preserve our trees as a measure to fight climate change and rising temperatures. This is a citizen alert. ACT NOW The City of Newton has pledged to address climate change by promoting green housing…

Petrillo: Support Councilors’ proposal to protect trees

We are at a critical juncture in the climate crisis and need a drastic reduction of CO2 in our atmosphere to prevent the catastrophic effects of further warming — and we need it now. Every action counts. What if we could sequester carbon, cool relentless summer heat, reduce pollution, and…

Irwin: Support Councilors’ proposed amendments to Tree Ordinance

I write with grave concern for our city trees, public and private. They are being lost at a precipitous rate through development, teardowns, aging out, and disease (including gas leaks). Several city councilors put together a tree ordinance in an attempt to address this, modeled after Cambridge’s. The Mayor’s administration…

Goldbach: Zoning Redesign Survey Issues

I sent the following email to the City Council, Zoning Department, and Mayor Fuller regarding the proposed Zoning Redesign. I hope Newton citizens will review the exhibit, check out the survey, and reach out if they agree that the survey is problematic: As encouraged by our City Council, I reviewed…

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