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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

We publish here Letters to the Editor with the intent to reflect a broad range of opinions and insights of Newton residents. Please note our submission guidelines and send letters (maximum of 300 words) to

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on Fig City News are those of the writer and not Fig City News.

Irwin: Support Councilors’ proposed amendments to Tree Ordinance

I write with grave concern for our city trees, public and private. They are being lost at a precipitous rate through development, teardowns, aging out, and disease (including gas leaks). Several city councilors put together a tree ordinance in an attempt to address this, modeled after Cambridge’s. The Mayor’s administration…

Goldbach: Zoning Redesign Survey Issues

I sent the following email to the City Council, Zoning Department, and Mayor Fuller regarding the proposed Zoning Redesign. I hope Newton citizens will review the exhibit, check out the survey, and reach out if they agree that the survey is problematic: As encouraged by our City Council, I reviewed…

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