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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

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We publish here Letters to the Editor with the intent to reflect a broad range of opinions and insights of Newton residents. Please note our submission guidelines and send letters (maximum of 300 words) to

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on Fig City News are those of the writer and not Fig City News.

Tausig, Towvim, Wolf: Newton residents can help reduce gun violence

With the pervasiveness of gun violence in our country, many people are asking, “What can I do?” In Massachusetts, we are lucky to have some of the strongest gun laws in the nation, corresponding to lower rates of gun ownership and gun violence. Yet, even here in Newton, guns have…

Brown: End Ch. 61B tax breaks for country clubs

Kudos to the Boston Globe‘s John Hilliard for his article about private golf courses in affluent communities and the tax breaks they receive. During the winter of 2021-22, my husband and I were snowshoeing at Charles River Country Club here in Newton. An employee of the club approached and told us that…

Lipshutz: Android Void Annoyed

Dear Fig City News: While applauding your new Apple app,I’m appalled by the deep Android slapThat ignores all the non-Apple techies,Making them want to wring all your neckies. I hope you address this omissionAnd sooner than later commissionA coder who’s solely employedTo develop your app for Android. Sallee LipshutzCouplet Writer…

Bender: Where to spread a blanket at Levingston Cove?

Looking at the recent plantings, the massive use of concrete and the surprisingly steep rebuilt banks at Levingston Cove, it seems like there will be very few places where you can spread a blanket. Eric BenderNewton Centre

Gagen: Inaccuracies in article about Village Center Zoning Redesign

The article Village Center Zoning Redesign, version 2.0 is inaccurate in several aspects. It gives the false impressive that the Newton Planning Department recommends new zoning that far exceeds the requirement of state law. The article states that the Planning Department Version 1.0 of new zoning  maps would allow the…

Todreas: Concerned about impact of new zoning on Village Centers

I am a retail development consultant with 30+ years’ experience. I worry about the impact the proposed new zoning code would have on our Village Centers and its retail shopping environment. The proposal reflects outdated mid-20th century thinking instead of 21st century retail realities. The fact is the current generations…

Smith: In support of ToBeGlad Day at NNHS

Cultural awareness days are student-led by design, giving student’s agency and voice in sharing their background with other students and staff. These days are important to our students in building awareness of and respect for the many different cultures and identities that make up our diverse community. So far this…

Marshall: Newton North drag queen performance

I urge all parents of students at Newton North to keep their sons and daughters home from school this April 14, as a protest against the school’s plan to have them view a self-described “whore”, a man dressed as a woman, exhibit, at taxpayer expense, sexually provocative, indecent behavior. Ask…

Swersey: Look outside of NPS’s budget to the broader city budget

Municipal budgets, such as for our schools, are effectively a zero-sum game. Once a budget is allocated to our schools, when we shift money to fund one program, it comes at the cost of another program. Over the past week or so, quite a few interest groups have sprung up…

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