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Posts published in “Letters to the Editor”

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We publish here Letters to the Editor with the intent to reflect a broad range of opinions and insights of Newton residents. Please note our submission guidelines and send letters (maximum of 300 words) to

All views expressed in any signed article, letter, column, or post
on Fig City News are those of the writer and not Fig City News.

Rockwell: Martha Bixby for Ward 6 Councilor

I am writing to support Martha Bixby for Ward Councilor in Ward 6, where I live. I am impressed by how many ways she is involved in our community — she is a founder of Newton Neighbors Helping Neighbors, she is Co-chair of the PTO at Mason Rice School, she coaches soccer, and she is…

Weissberg: Engine 6 endorses Gaynor and Bixby

Engine 6, Newton Housing Advocates, enthusiastically endorses Dan Gaynor for Ward 2 Councilor and Martha Bixby for Ward 6 Councilor in the Preliminary elections on September 12, 2023. We based our endorsements on the candidates’ responses to our questionnaire, their experience, and their positions on the pressing issues of housing…

Brown: Remove boulders and gravel at Levingston Cove

I recently entered the construction area at Levingston Cove at Crystal Lake to check the rumors that it is designed to deter swimmers. I can confidently report that the rumors are correct. The boulders — uneven, sharp, with dangerous protrusions – create a wall of sorts between the formal path…

St. Mary of Carmen Society: Gratitude for Festa success

On behalf of the Officers & Members of the St. Mary of Carmen Society, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who played a crucial role in making this year’s festival an astounding success. Without the invaluable partnership and support from the various City of Newton departments and City…

Todreas: One more word about retail and the Shopping Experience

I am writing in response to the letter by Rockwell, Monahan, and Walters about my July 25 Op-Ed, Saving our Village Centers — Retail in the age of Zoning Redesign. I would like to explain what I meant about a great Shopping Experience. Retail is not only about stores but…

Belleville: Correcting the Rockwell, Monahan, Walter letter

In a letter (Village Center Zoning and Retail- A Response) responding to an Op-Ed (Retail in the age of Zoning Redesign), authors Rockwell, Monahan, and Walter asserted that Op-Ed author Carol Todreas was being misleading and supported their assertion with “facts” that are not true. The fact that the authors…

Friends of Albemarle: Flex posts are tremendously useful

The board of Friends of Albemarle wants to share some insight about the experiences of pedestrians and cyclists using the intersection of Albemarle Rd. and Crafts St. ever since the flex posts were installed in the vicinity of this intersection. We have found and heard from others that the flex posts currently…

Reibman: Proposed village center zoning will help small businesses

I was both surprised and disappointed to read Carol Todreas’ Fig City op-ed in which she suggested that Newton’s proposed village center rezoning will somehow harm our small retail, restaurants and other shops. To the contrary, we see the plan to allow for the gradual addition of more housing and…

Bates: Wanting to thank an unsung hero

I had an experience this morning (Tuesday July 24th) at roughly 9:30AM that left me DEEPLY grateful to an unknown woman. I had just escorted my friend to help her retrieve critical documents and her transponder from her car, which had been totaled by someone running a stop sign and ramming into it. We…

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