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Posts published in “State Delegation”

Dr. Xiaoyan Qin, owner of Union Pharmacy, to be guest of Rep. Auchincloss at State of the Union address

Rep. Jake Auchincloss has announced that his guest at President Biden’s State of the Union address on Tuesday will be Dr. Xiaoyan Qin, owner of Union Pharmacy in Newton Center. After working as a pharmacist and pharmacy manager in Newton Center for 15 years, Dr. Qin opened Union Pharmacy in…

The 193rd General Court is in session: Senator Cynthia Creem’s legislative update

Among Senator Creem’s “dozens” of recently filed bills is An Act relative to the future of clean heat in the Commonwealth (SD2330). An article in the Boston Globe about the warming winters demonstrated that New England is experiencing record high temperatures. In general, New England is warming faster than any…

Rep. Auchincloss secures $7 million for accessibility improvements to Newton’s three Commuter Rail stations

In the closing hours of the 117th Congress, Rep. Jake Auchincloss (D-MA) secured $7 million dollars in the 2023 federal budget to improve Newton’s three commuter rail stations at Newtonville, West Newton, and Auburndale. Among the improvements included in the allocation are new stairs, ramps, elevators; full-length in- and out-bound…

Senator Markey takes stock

In two weeks, the 118th Congress begins its 2023 session, after a tumultuous and surprising mid-term election. In 2023, Ed Markey will have served the Commonwealth for fifty years — first in the Massachusetts House, then in the United States House, and since 2013 as United States Senator. He was…

State Sen. Cynthia Creem and State Rep. Kay Khan join Sen. Ed Markey at Cradles to Crayons in Newtonville

Senator Markey, State Senator Cynthia Creem, and State Representative Kay Khan joined the staff of Cradles to Crayons (C2C) at its national headquarters in Newtonville last Friday to mark C2C’s 20th anniversary. C2C Founder and CEO Lynn Margherio led a tour of the facilities and explained the agency’s mission to…

Public Lands Preservation Act signed into law

Last week, Fig City News reported that State Representative Ruth Balser’s nearly quarter-of-a-century effort to protect public lands came to fruition when the Legislature voted in favor of her Public Lands Preservation Act. Governor Charlie Baker has signed the bill and made it the law of the Commonwealth. Under the…

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