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Posts published in “State Delegation”

Rep. Kay Khan nominates Ellie Goldberg as Newton’s Commonwealth Heroine

For twenty-one years, Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women (MCSW) has invited state legislators to nominate women in their district to be honored as “Commonwealth Heroines.” This year, Rep. Kay Khan, 11th Middlesex District, chose Ellie Goldberg, a dedicated advocate for children’s health. According to MCSW, which sponsors the…

Rep. Khan: Encouraging the MBTA to leave no stone unturned for improving Commuter Rail

It is extremely encouraging to see the Healey/Driscoll Administration’s determination to make public transportation a major priority and was hopeful when the MBTA applied for a Federal ASAP (All Stations Accessibility Program) Grant to address necessary and critical improvements to the Newtonville Commuter Rail Station. It was unfortunate, however, to…

Democratic Committees’ 12th Middlesex State Representative Candidates Debate, June 24

The Democratic Committees in the 12th Middlesex State Representative District will host a candidate debate on June 24, 7PM-8:30PM, at the Newton Free Library (330 Homer Street). Democratic candidates aiming to succeed Rep. Ruth Balser in representing that district — Bill Humphrey, Rick Lipof, and Greg Schwartz — will participate.

Newtonville Commuter Rail station not included in Federal Accessibility Grant Program

On May 31, the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) announced its 2024 All Stations Accessibility Program (ASAP) grants for eight projects across the country. The award, totaling $343 million, includes $67 million for MBTA Green Line “B” and “C” branch improvements to make fourteen stops on those lines completely accessible for…

Chinese American Association of Newton: Candidates forum for two open State House seats

More than fifty people came to the Newton Free Library’s Druker Auditorium on May 15 to hear candidates running for State Representative: three candidates for Rep. Kay Khan’s 11th Middlesex House seat and the three running for Rep. Ruth Balser’s 12th Middlesex seat. Both longtime incumbents announced that they will…

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