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Posts published in “Schools”

Veloz: Mayor Fuller, end the strike

My partner and I are recent transplants to Auburndale. We love it here, and we’re glad her son was at Williams Elementary and is now at Brown Middle School. The teachers and support staff at both schools have been fantastic, and he’s thrived in all the ways a parent can…

Roberts: A call to action for our schools

I write as a decade-plus veteran of teaching both in the profession and in the city of Newton. I’ve spent my entire career at North North HS, following training through the Newton Teacher Residency and stints as a substitute at Bigelow and Newton South HS. Along with my fellow educators,…

Brodt: This has gone on too long

The schools in Newton have always been the shining gem of our community. Education was highly valued, and, therefore, funded. And now, they are running on fumes. School personnel are what make education in Newton phenomenal. Despite the crumbling buildings, the out of date texts, and lack of technology, our schools…

School Committee Meetings – Week of 1/28/2024

Except for an ongoing series — the Negotiating Committee meeting with the Newton Teachers Association in Executive Session regarding contract negotiations — there are no meetings scheduled for the School Committee this week.

Teachers Strike update, Jan. 28: Strike continues, schools closed Monday [UPDATED]

On January 28, the Newton Teachers Association (NTA) presented a proposal, the School Committee presented a counterproposal, and in the evening the NTA presented its second proposal of the day. Each party, through its own press conference, expressed frustration, exasperation, and a belief that the other side was not bargaining…

Sachs: Let’s stop vilifying the Mayor

I fully support our teachers and appreciate all they do and yes, they should get paid more.  I was taught by wonderful Newton teachers. Reading the news, though, you would think that Mayor Ruthanne Fuller is on par with the worst fascists of the century.  Protest signs have her likeness…

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