Negotiations sub-committee of the Newton School Committee will meet in person (Room 304, Ed Center) in Executive Session on Wednesday, September 27 at 2PM to (see Meeting Notice): School Committee will meet in Executive Session in person (Room 210, Ed Center) and virtually (Zoom link) on Wednesday, September 27 at…
Posts published in “Government”
Newton Retirement Board will meet in person (City Hall, Room B15) on Tuesday, September 26 at 9AM. The agenda includes the following: Newton Cultural Council will meet in person (1294 Centre Street) and virtually (Zoom link) on Tuesday, September 26 at 5:30PM. The agenda includes the following: Newton Housing Partnerhip…
The following potential projects/proposals are scheduled to meet with the Development Review Team (DRT) this week (see DRT Snapshot):
At Monday’s City Council meeting, concern was focused on the Zoning and Planning Committee’s vote to remove parking requirements associated with regard to the Craft Beverage Ordinance. Ward 4 Councilor, Lenny Gentile, said he has no issue opening up the opportunity to have craft beverage production in the City, thinks…
On September 18, after an extensive debate regarding ordinance language about helium balloons, the City Council unanimously approved an amendment to the City’s Sustainable Containers, Packaging, and Single Use Ordinance to further reduce the distribution of single-use plastics. (See Fig City News article on how some businesses are moving ahead…
The City Council deferred its vote on the craft breweries ordinance and voted to adopt the plastic reduction ordinance amendments on Monday, September 18. Craft Breweries: The Council deferred its vote (until the next full Council meeting) on a proposed ordinance that would enable breweries, wineries, distilleries, and other similar…
The Mayor’s proposal to create an Operations Booster Stabilization Fund (OSBF) (see Fig City News article) is headed back to the Finance Committee. The Council began its discussion of the OBSF late on September 18, at approximately 10:25 PM — after the Council had received a presentation from the Mayor…
The City Council’s Zoning and Planning Committee (ZAP) and the Planning and Development Board will hold a joint public hearing on the proposed Village Center Overlay District – Version 3.0 (maps and text) on Tuesday, September 26 at 7PM. To create Version 3.0, the Committee met all through the summer to incorporate…
On September 18, Mayor Ruthanne Fuller presented the FY2025-FY2029 Five-Year Capital Improvement Project Plan. After providing a general overview, Chief Operating Officer Jonathan Yeo provided the Council with a presentation of the plan’s highlights. The plan includes: Mayor Fuller highlighted three issues that the City will face in the coming…
The Finance Committee voted to approve the following (see Report and watch NewTV video): The Finance Committee voted to deny the following: The intent is for the OBSF to remain open for at least 3 years (eventually going to $0). Any appropriation from this fund would require a 2/3 vote…