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Posts published in “Mayor”

Power to the Election Commission!

On January 21, the City Council voted to approve Mayor Ruthanne Fuller’s nomination of W. David Power to fill the vacant Republican seat on the Newton Election Commission. Despite a recommendation by the Programs and Services Committee to deny the appointment, the vote to approve was 13 to 9 with…

Programs & Services Committee votes not to recommend Mayor’s appointment of W. David Power to the Election Commission

On January 8, the Newton Programs and Services Committee met to discuss Mayor Ruthanne Fuller’s nomination of W. David Power for the upcoming vacant Republican seat on the Newton Election Commission (see Fig City News article). Members of the Committee include Councilor Josh Krintzman (Chair), Councilor Bill Humphrey (Vice Chair),…

Mayor nominates Republican W. David Power for Republican seat on Election Commission, and Republicans protest

The Newton Election Commission, responsible for administering and enforcing election laws, has four members: two each from the Democratic and Republican parties, to promote bipartisanship. Current Commission members include Democrats Marjorie Ann Butler (Chair) and Nancy M. Levine, and Republicans Jan Huffman and John P. McDermott. Mayor Ruthanne Fuller has…

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