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Posts published in “City Departments”

Development Review Team Meetings – Week of May 8th

The following potential projects/proposals are scheduled to meet with the Development Review Team this week: Gath Pool – Redesign of the public pool facility. 10 Central Close – Special Permit to allow additions in the nonconforming setback. The Development Review Team Snapshot can be found here.

Budget Meetings in Full Swing

This week, the City Council will be reviewing the following departmental budgets this week: Comptroller/Retirement, Treasurer, Purchasing, Public Buildings, Assessing, Human Resources, Financial Services, and Executive/Sustainability. In addition, the Council will meet as a Committee of the Whole on Wednesday, April 27th at 6:00 p.m. to discuss the Comptroller’s FY2023…

General Counsel to School Committee – No Need to Vote on Field Lights

After the public hearing on the budget at the April 4th School Committee meeting, the SC received a presentation from the Parks, Recreation, and Culture Commissioner regarding proposed lights on the Newton North and Newton South High School fields. Members received this memo from Assistant Superintendent Liam Hurley regarding the…

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