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Posts published in “City Council”

Finance Committee – 9/28/2022 Report

The Finance Committee voted to approve the following (see Report and watch video on NewTV): Request to appropriate and expend $4,120,000 and authorize a general obligation borrowing of an equal amount for the construction and engineering services for the City of Newton Pump Station Rehabilitation CIP Project 1 and design…

Zoning and Planning – 9/28/2022 Report

The Zoning and Planning Committee voted to approve the following (see Report and watch video on NewTV): Appointment of Scott Friedman as an alternate member of the Newton Historical Commission Re-appointment of Leigh Gilligan to the Conservation Commission Re-appointment of Nancy Grissom to the Auburndale Historic District Commission and the…

Public Facilities – 9/21/2022 Report

The Public Facilities Committee voted to approve the following (see Report and watch video on NewTV): Request to appropriate and expend $4,120,000 and authorize a general obligation borrowing of an equal amount for the construction and engineering services for the City of Newton Pump Station Rehabilitation CIP Project 1 and…

Programs and Services – 9/21/22 Report

The Programs and Services Committee voted to approve the following (see Report and watch video on NewTV): Appointment of Petr Chovanec to the Commission on Disability Appointment of Shawn Fitzgibbons as a Commissioner of the Board of Licensing Commissioners The Committee voted against the request to revise and amend Chapter…

Public Safety and Transportation – 9/21/211 Report

The Public Safety and Transportation Committee voted to approve the following (see Report): Request for triennial renewals of six bus licenses for Mass General Brigham. There are no changes proposed from 2021. Request for four new triennial bus licenses for Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Request to approve a detail of a…

Land Use Committee Meeting – 9/20/2022 Report

The Land Use Committee voted to approve the following (see Report and watch video on NewTV): Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to allow the construction of an attached garage with living space above, further extending the non-conforming front setback and further reducing the non-conforming open space at 39 Floral Street. See Special Permit…

Programs and Services Committee votes to deny Tree Moratorium request

The Programs and Services Committee met on Wednesday, September 21 (watch video on NewTV), voted to reject the request for a temporary moratorium on tree cutting while the Council considers two proposals to amend the current Tree Preservation Ordinance: One request submitted by the Mayor on behalf of the City’s…

City Council Meetings – Week of 9/25/2022

Zoning and Planning will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Wednesday, September 28 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following: Appointment of Scott Friedman, as an alternate member of the Newton Historical Commission. Chair’s Note: Discussion surrounding the following item will be limited to a brief update from the Planning Department…

City Council Meetings – Week of 9/18

The Full City Council will meet in person (Council Chamber) and virtually (Zoom link) on Monday, September 19 as a Committee of the Whole at 6:30PM. The agenda includes the following: Discussion with the Climate and Sustainability Team to receive an update on their current work progress on the Climate…

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