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Posts published in “Announcements”

Summer Kids’ Classes at Newton Community Farm

Calling all future farmers, scientists, chefs, naturalists, and gardeners! Join us to discover boundless connections between our food, each other, and the natural world at Newton’s last working farm. With our scholarship program, made possible by the Charles River Neighborhood Foundation and individual donations, we strive to make these classes accessible to…

Juneteenth Celebration – Sunday, June 19th – 12 – 4 p.m.

FORJ NNHS (Families Organizing for Racial Justice at Newton North High School) is hosting this year’s Juneteenth Celebration at the Walnut Street side of Newton North High School. The event will host Black-owned businesses, food trucks, performers, and children’s activities. In addition, The New Art Center will be hosting a performance of Frederick Douglass’s…

Newton PorchFest: June 4th (Raindate June 5th)

Mark your calendars for Newton PorchFest 2022, Saturday June 4th, 12:00 – 6:00 PMFor a full performance schedule and map, see Newton PorchFest is an afternoon of free music with over 100 musical performances outside of people’s homes throughout Auburndale, Lower Falls, and Waban. Attendees go from venue to venue to hear music that ranges…

Cabot Elementary School Fair, June 4

The Cabot Elementary School community is hosting a Yard Sale and Fair on Saturday, June 4th, 10 AM – 2 PM. Yard Sale donations will be accepted on Friday, June 3rd, from 5 – 8 PM. Drop-off will be in the lot behind Cabot between Bridges and Parkview. Email for more…

Newton Multicultural Festival — May 7

The first annual Newton Multicultural Festival will be held on May 7 (rain date: May 8), 2PM-6PM in Waban (1615 Beacon Street). It’s hosted by the Suzuki School of Newton and will feature Grooversity Brazilian Drumming Ensemble, Africano Waltham Dance Troupe, Pulawari Tusuy Peruvian Dance Troupe, and the Suzuki School…

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