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Posts published by “Adam Bernstein”

NTA President Mike Zilles responds to Matt Hills’ analysis

On Tuesday, January 22, Newton Teachers Association President Mike Zilles sent Fig City News this response to the analysis that former Newton School Committee Chair Matt Hills had provided to Fig City News the previous day.

Court issues daily escalating fines to NTA if strike progresses beyond 8PM each day

Late in the afternoon of January 22, the Middlesex Superior Court issued a ruling on the Commonwealth Employment Relations Board (CERB) motion of civil contempt order submitted earlier in the day. This motion was filed because the Newton Teachers Association (NTA) did not comply with the Court’s ruling to call…

Teacher’s Strike: Discussion with Matt Hills on legal and financial aspects

This weekend, Fig City News discussed the dynamics surrounding the current Newton Teachers Strike with Newton resident Matt Hills. A former member of the Newton School Committee (2010-2018; Chair 2014-2017), Hills is currently Vice Chair of the Board of the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Interview notes are…

State rules in favor of Newton School Committee’s strike Petition

Ruling establishes fact of illegal strike, however State Superior Court would impose potential penalties. The Massachusetts Commonwealth Employment Relations Board (“CERB”) issued a ruling that the Newton Teacher’s Association (“NTA”) and the employees it represents, prior to their vote on January 18 “are about to engage in a strike in…

January 8 School Committee: School Choice, Curriculum Portal, Lunar New Year Holiday

Unresolved NTA Contract Overhangs Meeting Agenda. The School Committee meeting on January 8, consistent with prior meetings for the past few months, began with several public commenters advocating for higher City budget allocations to Newton Public Schools (NPS) in order to settle the outstanding negotiation with the Newton Teachers Association…

NPS and NTA positions remain significantly apart despite additional funding

Mo money, mo problems. As the rapper Notorious B.I.G. sang in 1992, more financial resources do not appear to have resolved the negotiating impasse between the School Committee and the teacher’s union. Following Sunday evening’s pledge by Mayor Fuller of additional funding for Newton Public Schools (NPS), Monday’s events illustrated…

Mayor announces potential increase in NPS funding, specifics to be determined

In an e-newsletter sent on Sunday December 17, Mayor Ruthanne Fuller announced that she had indicated commitment for “70% of $26 million” in property tax Overlay Surplus funds to supplement the existing Newton Public Schools (NPS) budget. Background: Since the March 2023 operating override vote was not approved and the…

School Committee meeting highlights NTA negotiations update, teacher absences

The December 4 School Committee meeting agenda included the Superintendent’s regular report, as well as updates regarding negotiations with the Newton Teachers Association, progress on this year’s NPS systemwide goals, human resources, PTO spending, and NPS budget planning. Kathy Shields (Ward 7, Vice Chair) who sits on the SC Negotiations…

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