New Memorial-Spaulding Principal hired. Ultimate Frisbee becomes an official sport. The February 10 School Committee meeting began with a full slate of public commenters, filling the 30 minutes allowed for comment and addressing varied topics such as: Notably, multiple students, staff members, and parents addressed the playground accessibility issue, particularly…
Posts published by “Adam Bernstein”
NPS also provided an update on rules for PTOs and Booster organizations. The agenda for the regular January 27 School Committee meeting included Superintendent Nolin describing recent outreach and meetings with Newton Public Schools (NPS) alumni as part of a coordinated district effort to encourage past graduates to retain their…
Winter and spring are always busy seasons for Newton Public Schools (NPS), and the coming six months may be busier than most. The School Committee has posted its anticipated agenda items for remaining public meetings this year, and they include: The NPS annual budgeting process has recently been both contentious…
Committee raised NPS activity fees, facility fees, and non-union pay rates. In the regular January 13 School Committee meeting, the agenda focused on primarily non-academic topics such as the district’s facilities BERDO compliance, facility fees, hourly rates for certain non-union employees, an update on long term facilities planning, and newly…
Multilevel Classes are addressed again during public comment. The December 16 School Committee meeting was split into two sessions: a one-hour special meeting to receive feedback from community focus groups on the new Newton Public Schools (NPS) Strategic Planning Committee, followed by the regularly scheduled meeting’s agenda. The special meeting…
December 2nd discussion follows recent debate on “multilevel” classrooms. The Monday December 2nd scheduled School Committee meeting took place at METCO headquarters in Roxbury, Boston. Committee Chair Chris Brezski began the meeting by thanking the well-respected Newton METCO director, Lisa Gilbert-Smith, as well as Superintendent Anna Nolin, for arranging the…
Opinions differ over the pace of change, but broad agreement that prior systems were deficient. The School Committee and Newton Public Schools (NPS) administration met for over five hours on Monday, November 18, first at 5:30 in an executive session and leadership caucus, and then at 6:30 for the regular…
On Monday November 25, the School Committee and Newton Public Schools (NPS) administration, including Superintendent Anna Nolin, attended a nearly three-hour “Special Work Session” at the Education Center. Although this was a public meeting posted by the City Clerk and listed in Fig City News Local Government Announcements, the only…
The November 4th regular School Committee meeting ran almost four hours across a meaningful agenda including a stark update about the state of Newton Community Education’s budget, a curriculum update, the 2025-2026 school calendar, and private school busing provided by Newton Public Schools (NPS). Prior to the published agenda, however,…
Among the five ballot questions Massachusetts voters will face on Election Day next Tuesday, Ballot Question 2 – Elimination of MCAS As High School Graduation Requirement – has received significant attention within the Newton Public Schools community. MCAS Background The Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) – a series of statewide…