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Posts published by “Adam Bernstein”

Proposed NPS policy changes would curtail independence of PTOs and Booster clubs

Committee raised NPS activity fees, facility fees, and non-union pay rates. In the regular January 13 School Committee meeting, the agenda focused on primarily non-academic topics such as the district’s facilities BERDO compliance, facility fees, hourly rates for certain non-union employees, an update on long term facilities planning, and newly…

Final School Committee meeting of 2024: Communications, MCAS, NCE

Multilevel Classes are addressed again during public comment. The December 16 School Committee meeting was split into two sessions: a one-hour special meeting to receive feedback from community focus groups on the new Newton Public Schools (NPS) Strategic Planning Committee, followed by the regularly scheduled meeting’s agenda. The special meeting…

High school schedule: The latest NPS decision made during Fleishman years criticized by current leaders

December 2nd discussion follows recent debate on “multilevel” classrooms. The Monday December 2nd scheduled School Committee meeting took place at METCO headquarters in Roxbury, Boston. Committee Chair Chris Brezski began the meeting by thanking the well-respected Newton METCO director, Lisa Gilbert-Smith, as well as Superintendent Anna Nolin, for arranging the…

Election Day proposal to eliminate MCAS requirement: Will Newton be impacted?

Among the five ballot questions Massachusetts voters will face on Election Day next Tuesday, Ballot Question 2 – Elimination of MCAS As High School Graduation Requirement – has received significant attention within the Newton Public Schools community. MCAS Background The Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) – a series of statewide…

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