The Zoning Redesign ‘Community Engagement Network’ will be meeting on Tuesday, June 21, 6PM-7:30PM with an optional public Q&A from 7:30PM to 8PM. Go here to join the Zoom meeting. The network is comprised of volunteers from the community who will work with city staff to provide information and engage Newton residents and stakeholders on the second phase of village center zoning with the ultimate goal of providing feedback to the City Council’s Zoning and Planning Committee to consider as they amend the City’s Zoning Ordinance.

The proposed agenda includes a recap of meeting #1, a brief reflection on the perspective of renters in the city, and testing the feedback tool draft. See Zoning Redesign Overview; Meeting Dates and Zoom links; Network Announcements Update. Additional documents can be found here.
NOTE: The Building Professionals Zoning Working Group has submitted comments on Village Center Zoning. See Local Building Professionals’ Comments on Draft Village Center Zoning email and Local Building Professionals’ Memo