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City Council Meetings – Week of 1/1/2023

The Full City Council will meet in person (Council Chamber) and virtually (Zoom link) on Tuesday, January 3 at 7:45PM. You can also watch the meeting on NewTV (Comcast 9, RCN 13, 614(HD), Verizon 33 or live stream on NewTV’s Vimeo channel). (See Reports Docket and New Docket.)

The Finance Committee and Public Facilities Committee will meet jointly in person (Council Chambers) and virtually (Zoom link) on Tuesday, January 3 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Request to appropriate and expend $150,000 from June 30, 2022 Certified Free Cash for the purchase of a replacement of a 1998 trackless sidewalk clearing tractor.

The Public Safety & Transportation Committee‘s regularly scheduled meeting for Wednesday, January 4 has been canceled (see Cancellation Notice).

The Public Facilities Committee will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Wednesday, January 4 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Request to increase the curbside mattress recycling fee from the current $50 to $60 in order to make the City whole to cover the cost being charged by the service provider, GGY Transport LLC dba Tough Stuff Recycling, for curbside collection service.
  • Two reappointments to the Designer Selection Committee
    • Howard Goldberg
    • Amy L. MacKrell
  • Reappointment of Carol Schein to the Design Review Committee

The Programs and Services Committee will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Wednesday, January 4 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Four appointments to the Youth Commission:
    • Spencer Solcoff
    • Shivani Gulati
    • Lily Siegelman
    • Audrey Wei
  • Appointment of Mignonne Murray as Director of Senior Services
  • Request for a discussion to provide an update on the Countryside Elementary School Building Project
  • Request to appropriate and expend $3,240,000 in FY2022 Free Cash for synthetic turf carpet and infill materials, installation, and construction oversight to replace the two (2) synthetic turf fields at Newton South High School and to resurface the perimeter track at the school’s Winkler Stadium
  • Request to revise and amend Chapter 21, Art. III Trees (sec. 21-60 through 21- 89) to extend tree protection to all trees 6 inches DBH (diameter at breast height) and greater within the City (with no exempt lots); to update tree removal permits, fees, and compensation; and to strengthen protection for existing and replacement trees – Councilor version
  • Request to review and amend Chapter 21, Art. III, Division 3, Tree Preservation to increase replacement requirements for larger trees, add protections for smaller trees, limit removal of trees without replacement, enhance procedures for protecting trees, increasing payment required for trees cut without replacement, protect trees on lots adjacent to construction, provide Tree Warden with additional professional input on trees on private properties – Mayor and City Tree Warden version
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