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Sources of Funds

Initially funded by its founders, Fig City News registered as a Massachusetts nonprofit corporation and became Federally tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3) in October 2022 and began accepting donations in November, 2022. Donations are tax-deductible. This page acknowledges sources of funding received.


  • Anonymous (Each anonymous donor has given less than $500 per year, and per Institute for Nonprofit News guidelines, anonymous donations in aggregate are less than 15% of total revenue.)
  • Lynn Abelson
  • Stephen & Maria Alimonti
  • Amy Allen
  • Christopher Allen
  • Susan Amster
  • Kristen Annunziato
  • Nancy Bauer & Mark Richard
  • Claudette and Jonathan Beit-Aharon
  • Mary Lee Belleville
  • Jessica Benjamin
  • Barbara Bix
  • Anne Born
  • Judy Boroschek
  • Sue Bottigheimer
  • Alicia and Jeff Bowman
  • Elaine Bresnick
  • Dave Brigham
  • Herb Brody and Patty Kellogg
  • Cody Broson
  • Barbara and Lorenz Brousal-Glaser
  • Hugh Brown
  • Marion Burke
  • Robert Burke
  • Iva C
  • Lucy Caldwell-Stair
  • Eric Callahan
  • Cindy Callaway
  • Jeff Caputi
  • Bob Carter
  • Lucie Chansky
  • Fran Clancy
  • Sherry Cohen
  • Andrew Cohn
  • Stephen Comey
  • Alison Conant
  • Martha Connors
  • Deborah W. Coogan
  • Marcia Cooper
  • Brian Coutu
  • Judith Curby & Gayle Smalley
  • Kevin B. Currid
  • Rose and David Day
  • Lynn Bay Dayton
  • Margie Decter
  • Jodi Detjen
  • Bill and Sue Dickenson
  • Peter Dimond
  • Mary Donchez & Paul Wilson
  • Beverly & Thomas Droz
  • Mary Duket
  • Michael Durkin
  • Keith Eddings
  • Robert Ellertsen
  • Angela Ephstein
  • Dr. Andrew Epstein
  • Roxanne Etmekjian
  • Dorothy Flash
  • Dunn Gaherins
  • Stephen Feinstein
  • Janice and Howard Fineman
  • Robert Fizek
  • Cheryl Forté
  • Gita and David Foster
  • Jane Frantz
  • Rachel Freed
  • Susan Y. Friedman
  • Jonathan Frieze
  • Thomas Gagen
  • Tamirirashe Gambiza
  • Amy Gates
  • Gloria Gavris
  • Jill Geiger
  • Tom Gloria and Andrea Roman
  • Anne Goldbach
  • Deb Goldstein
  • Kent Gonzales
  • Richard Gordon
  • Adam Gorin
  • Paul Gross
  • Jane Hanser
  • Jay Harney
  • Betsy and David Harris
  • Harris Family
  • Michael Harrison
  • Barry Hass
  • Alex Hassinger
  • Richard Heald
  • Jeff Hecht
  • David Hedison & Nenad Petrovic
  • Elizabeth Heilig
  • David Helfman
  • Bruce and Fran Henderson
  • Emma Henderson
  • Marcia and Jeff Herrmann
  • Steve and Mindy Hoberman
  • Quinn and Paula Hogan
  • Katy Hax Holmes
  • Ann Houston
  • Jerald Hyde
  • Catherine Infantino
  • Cheryl Jakielo
  • Marcia Johnson
  • Faith Justice
  • Sunwoo Kahng & Peter Boberg
  • Suzanne Kalil
  • Dillon Kamutenga
  • James Kaplan
  • Alex Katz
  • Ellen Katz & Jay Werb
  • Marc Kaufman
  • Jonathan Klein
  • Adrienne Knudsen
  • Theodore Kuklinski
  • Ian Lamont, Auburndale
  • Nika Lane
  • Lori Lass
  • Kathy Laufer
  • Vickki Lavoie
  • Jack M. Leader
  • Lynne LeBlanc
  • Beatrice Lee
  • William Leitch
  • Andy Levin
  • Tenley Lien
  • Jack Lifsitz
  • Janet Linder and Joel Shames
  • Lenore Linsky
  • Stephen Linsky
  • Brooke and Paul Lipsitt
  • Bara Litman-Pike
  • Roslyn Lo
  • Ed Lyon
  • Neil MacGaffey
  • Kevin Martin
  • Thomas J. McBride
  • Patricia McCaffrey
  • Ryan McGlothlin
  • Anne McKinnon
  • Lisa and John McLellan
  • Margaret McLoughlin
  • Edward McNeil
  • Josephine McNeil
  • Julie Mead
  • Robert Mehrez
  • Sayuri Miyamoto
  • Karen Mondell
  • Gordon Moriarty
  • Madelyn & Henry Morris
  • Brigid Morrissey
  • Laney Mott
  • Zivanai Mutize
  • Meghan Myers
  • Naomi Myrvaagnes
  • Newtonville Depot
  • Alan Nogee
  • Emily Norton
  • Ricky Ochillo
  • Deirdre O’Connor
  • Laurie Palepu
  • Lilly Pelzman
  • Ellen Penso
  • Nathan Phillips
  • Pamela Pierce
  • Katharine Pillsbury
  • Peter Pinch
  • Chris Pitts & Terri Noyes
  • Donna and David Podolsky
  • Amanda Pontow
  • Kathryn Potter
  • Jack Prior
  • Sarah Rahman
  • Greg Reibman
  • Ian Reid and Wendy Wheeler
  • Jerry Reilly
  • L Rinearson
  • John Risko
  • Virginia Robinson
  • Erick Rodriguez
  • John Rolston
  • David Rosenblatt
  • Leonard Rosenthal
  • Donald F. Ross, Jr.
  • Anita Rossiter and Michael Lipton
  • Daniel Ruben
  • Lisa & Gary Rucinski
  • Allison Saltzman
  • Barbara Saltzstein
  • Amy and John Sangiolo
  • Peter Sargent
  • Sachiko Sato
  • Terry Sauro
  • Barbara Schmitt
  • Ingrid Schroffner
  • Lauren Schultz
  • Barbara Seal
  • Marva Serotkin
  • Daniel and Laura Shaw
  • Linda Sherman
  • Carolyn Shoemaker
  • Howard Sholkin
  • Pamela Shufro
  • Candy Sidner
  • Steve Siegel
  • Andy Silverman
  • Karen and Jon Slote
  • Elizabeth Smith
  • Karen Smith
  • Paul Spagnoli
  • John Springfield
  • Demie Stathoplos
  • Ursula Steele
  • Elizabeth Stover
  • Michael Striar
  • Douglas and Christine Stuart
  • Laura Studen
  • Cindy Stumpo
  • Izabella Synott
  • Lisa Templeton
  • Deborah Terman
  • Susan Tornheim
  • Anike Tourse
  • Jake Truman
  • James Truncer
  • Robert Tuchman
  • Anne Walker
  • Ronald Walker
  • Debra Waller and Justin Sallaway
  • Fredrik Wanger
  • Meredith Warshaw
  • Adam Weitzman
  • Beth Wilkinson
  • M. Jackson Wilkinson
  • Kaj Wilson and Alan Spatrick
  • Jim Wilton
  • Jordyne Wu
  • Jonathan Yeo
  • Marc & Tori Zissman






  • Bang-Woel Lu Foundation
  • Barbara Giving Fund
  • Charles River Neighborhood Foundation
  • Rotary Club of Newton
  • Sacajawea Charitable Foundation
  • West Suburban YMCA

In-Kind Donations

  • Joel Shames, at Shames & Litwin
  • Matthew Yospin, at The Law Office of Matthew M. Yospin
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