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City Council Meetings – Week of 10/16/2022

Full City Council will meet in person (Council Chamber) and virtually (Zoom link) on Monday, October 17 (see Reports Docket and New Docket). Three items were chartered at the last meeting (see Fig City News article) and will be discussed, debated, and presumably voted on at the meeting TONIGHT.

Land Use Committee will meet in person (Council Chamber) and virtually (Zoom link) on Tuesday, October 18 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

Note: The Committee will review a request for a consistency ruling for 67 Walnut Street (See Special Permit documents and see Planning Memo). The petitioner is seeking a consistency ruling from the Commissioner of Inspectional Services for a retaining wall approximately three and a half feet in height that was constructed in the front setback. The Commissioner is seeking the opinion of the Land Use Committee on the matter.

  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to allow a rear lot subdivision to construct a single-family dwelling, relocate the existing dwelling forward, and waive the definition of “rear lot” at 113 Grove Street (see Special Permit documents and Planning Memo)
  • Request to amend a previously approved Special Permit/Site Plan Approval (Special Permit #234-10) to extend a nonconforming use; to allow the construction of sports courts, a warming hut, and associated parking; to determine appropriate dimensional requirements; to determine appropriate setbacks relative to parking; to waive perimeter screening; to waive interior landscaping; to waive lighting, and to waive bike parking facility requirements at 1897 Washington Street (See Special Permit documents and Planning Memo)
  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plan Approval to allow a three-story structure with 36 feet in height; to allow a FAR of 1.48; to vertically extend a non-conforming front setback; to waive 4 parking stalls, and to allow assigned parking at 1 Jackson Street (See Special Permit documents and Planning Memo)
  • Request for a Special Permit/Site Plam Approval to raze an existing building and construct a 9-unit residential dwelling; to allow ground floor residential use with residential above; to allow a three-story structure with 36 feet in height; to allow an FAR of 1.20; to allow assigned parking stalls; to allow outdoor parking within five feet of a residential building; to allow restricted end stalls; to allow a reduced maneuvering aisle width; to reduce the driveway width for two-way traffic; to waive perimeter screening, and to waive lighting at 106 River Street (See Special Permit documents and Planning Memo).

Programs and Services Committee will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Wednesday, October 19 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Appointment of Cynthia Arcate to the Newton Commonwealth Foundation
  • Request for revisions and amendments to Chapter 21, Art. III Trees (sec. 21-60 through 21-89) to extend tree protection to all trees 6 inches DBH (diameter at breast height) and greater within the City (with no exempt lots); to update tree removal permits, fees, and compensation; and to strengthen protection for existing and replacement tree – City Councilor version
  • Request to review and amend Chapter 21, Art. III, Division 3, Tree Preservation to increase replacement requirements for larger trees, add protections for smaller trees, limit removal of trees without replacement, enhance procedures for protecting trees, increasing payment required for trees cut without replacement, protect trees on lots adjacent to construction, provide Tree Warden with additional professional input on trees on private properties – City version
  • Reappointment of Randall Johnson, as an alternate member of the Parks and Recreation Commission

Public Safety and Transportation Committee will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Wednesday, October 19 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Appeal of the approval of Traffic Council petition TC 46-22 on September 15, 2022, requesting to add a stop sign at the end of Exeter Street at Berkeley Street

Chair’s Note: The Public Facilities Committee will join the Public Safety & Transportation Committee
to discuss the following one (1) item:

  • Request for a discussion with the administration and school officials on transportation priorities and public works/streets/sidewalks etc.
  • Request for a discussion with the Department of Public Works and the Planning Department regarding Traffic Calming prioritization, selection of methods, effectiveness of complete projects, pending requests, adequacy of current funding and personnel, and timetable for addressing pending and new requests at current resource levels

Public Facilities Committee will meet virtually (Zoom link) on Wednesday, October 19 at 7PM. The agenda includes the following:

  • Request for a petition for a grant of location to install conduit in Industrial Place, Needham Street, Oak Street, and Charlemont Street and 4 new manholes.

Chair’s Note: The Public Facilities Committee will be joining the Public Safety & Transportation
Committee (Zoom link) to discuss the below item:

  • Request a discussion with the administration and school officials on transportation priorities and public works/streets/sidewalks etc.
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