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What’s Up in Newton — Week of 4/17/2022

COVID-19 Update: The number of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases has risen to13,161 and sadly, the number of COVID-19 related deaths has also increased to 200. The Newton data can be found here and the NPS data can be found here (numbers are rising).

Presentation of FY2023 Budget: The Mayor is scheduled to present the FY2023 Budget on Tuesday, April 19th at the Full City Council Meeting. The School Committee passed the FY2023 NPS Budget and the Finance and Programs and Services Committee took a straw vote and approved the budget (In Programs and Services, the vote was 3 in favor (Baker, Albright, Krintzman) -0 (opposed) -5 abstentions. (Greenberg, Wright, Noel, Humphrey, Ryan) and in Finance, the vote was 2 in favor (Grossman, Kalis)- 1 opposed (Norton) – 4 abstentions (Oliver, Malakie, Humphrey, and Noel). Each of the Committees will begin their department review beginning this week with the Programs and Services Committee scheduled to review the Veterans, Newton History Museum, Library, Parks, Rec, and Culture and the City Clerk’s budgets. See Programs and Services agenda here. See City Council’s full budget calendar here.

Mark Development to present two proposals: Crafts Street project and the 1314 Washington Street (Santander Bank) project: This Tuesday evening, the Newton Housing Partnership will hear and discuss a presentation by Mark Development on the proposed projects for Crafts Street and the 1314 Washington Street project. You may recall that the 1314 Washington Project had received previous approval from the City Council in 2018. Those documents can be found here. Mark Development met with the Development Review Team the week of March 27th with a proposed development with 50 units and approx. 4,000 square feet of retail.

Big Agenda for Licensing Commission: PTO fundraisers, Library events, 7 Restaurants seeking outdoor dining, and Sushi Man license request for 34 Jackson Street. The Licensing Commission’s Agenda can be found here.

What’s in a Name (or what should we name it)? The Newton Free Library Board of Trustees will be discussing naming opportunities for the new Children’s Room at a special meeting this Thursday. You may recall that the Children’s Room Expansion project received $2million in ARPA funds in July 2021.

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