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Leary: A sad day on Land Use Committee

Tuesday night was difficult for me as a member of the Land Use Committee. I witnessed a very promising, small infill development proposed for a vacant lot in the heart of a Nonantum be withdrawn by the applicant after months of meetings and negotiations. 

The proposed building included thirteen very modest-sized units, 3 of them affordable, 14 parking spaces, and a commercial space on the first floor. There was little disagreement regarding the building itself. It was an attractive, well designed 3 1/2 stories nestled between Eddie’s Lunch and another mixed-use, 3-story building and across the street from the “Santa Park.”

Many residents expressed support for the project, but concerns were raised by others with very loud voices. Project opponents objected to the MU4 zoning change needed for the project to exceed 3 stories and to allow smaller-sized units, as well as concerns for setting a precedent for future buildings over 3 stories. But in the 12 years MU4 has been in place, only 2 projects have been completed. And MU4 still must go through the special permit process.

Despite the project melding into the streetscape and the fact there was no displacement of local businesses or naturally affordable housing as it was replacing a long vacant lot, the Land Use Committee, ignoring the support of all three Ward 1 councilors, sent a message to the developers of small projects that we are not open for business at the most fundamental level. We sent a signal to moderate income residents, young professionals, and seniors looking to downsize that attainable housing for them is not a priority. And we smugly announced that we would rather have a deteriorating hole in the ground than an opportunity for a new local business. A sad day indeed.

Alison M. Leary
Newton City Council, Ward 1

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