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Public Safety & Transportation Committee Report – February 19, 2025

The Public Safety & Transportation Committee approved the following (see the report and watch the meeting video):

  • Request for Amendment to Traffic Council Regulations (5-2, Councilors Greenberg and Downs opposed) The committee voted to approve an amendment allowing for appeals by City Councilors of decisions made in Traffic Council concerning field trials. If the field trial affects a single ward, an appeal may be made by Councilors from that ward. The amendment introduces a 7-day period for filing appeals on field trials, contrasting with the standard 20-day period, because most field trials are non-controversial. The appeal would come to the PS&T Committee, the Committee would make a recommendation and then send it to the City Council. This move is intended to add a layer of oversight and public accountability to the field trial process, particularly after contentious projects like the Newton Centre Plaza Pilot. Police can make immediate changes to a field trial for safety purposes. Changes can also be made after review based on comments by residents, the Mayor, and Councilors. One member of the public spoke in favor, one against.

The committee voted to hold the following:

  • Discussion on Proposed Plaza in Newton Centre (7-0) “This report will be available at a later date.”

Present: Councilors Grossman (Chair), Downs, Lucas, Block, Bixby, Greenberg and Wright
Absent: Councilor Lipof
Also Present: Councilors Malakie, Oliver, Farrell and Kelley
City Staff: Andrew Lee, Assistant City Solicitor; Barney Heath, Director of Planning and
Development; Zachery LeMel, Long Range Planner; Luis Perez Demorizi, Director of Parks and
Open Space and Ned Codd, Director, Transportation Division DPW

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