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Land Use Committee Report – February 25, 2025

The Land Use Committee approved the following (see the report and watch the meeting video here):

  • Reappointment of Kenneth Lyons to the Boston College Neighborhood Council (8-0) for a term expiring on December 31, 2025.
  • Reappointment of Karine Alexander to the Boston College Neighborhood Council (8-0) for a term ending on December 31, 2025.
  • Request to allow a system of retaining walls exceeding four feet in height at 10 Nonantum Street (8-0) The committee approved this special permit and site plan, noting the necessity of the retaining walls due to the property’s topography and to make the front stairs code-compliant and safe. No member of the public spoke at the public hearing. Petition Documents Draft Council Order
  • A Consistency Ruling for 2-6 Auburndale Avenue to allow a retaining wall was supported. The request for a ruling was from the Commissioner of Inspectional Services. Petition Documents
  • Request to allow an oversized internal accessory apartment at 2077 Washington Street (8-0) This request was approved after significant discussion on the need for the apartment to accommodate the petitioner’s family, with community support noted. The design aims to be minimally visible from the street and comply with zoning relief for an oversized accessory dwelling unit (ADU). Petition Documents Draft Council Order

The committee voted to deny the following:

  • Request to Rezone 1 parcel at 386-390 Watertown Street from Business 1 to Mixed Use 4 (4-3-1, Councilors Lucas, Block, Lobovits and Farrell opposed, Councilor Larado abstained) Public hearing closed with a 6-2 vote Councilors Block and Farrell opposed. 20 people spoke at the public hearing: 10 for, 10 against. A Councilor felt that Zoning and Planning Committee should be reviewing zoning changes. Several wondered if rezoning was a legislative or quasi-judicial matter. Petition Documents
  • Request to construct a four-story, mixed-use building with 13 residential units with 14 at-grade parking stalls at 386-394 Watertown Street (8-0) Discussed with the above rezoning request. The public hearing was closed 8-0. Petition Documents

Present: Councilors Kelley (Chair), Block, Downs, Farrell, Laredo, Leary, Lobovits, and Lucas
Also Present: Councilors Albright, Danberg, Greenberg, Malakie, Oliver and Wright
City Staff Present: Chief Planner Katie Whewell, Assistant City Solicitor Jonah Temple, Deputy
Chief Planner Cat Kemmett, Senior Joe Iadonisi

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