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Dr. Moomaw : Why Protect Newton’s Trees? Mar. 18

At 7PM on March 18 at FUUSN, Mothers Out Front Newton, Green Newton, Protect Newton Trees, and FUUSN Climate Action Task Force will host Nobel Prize winning scientist Dr. William R. Moomaw, whose research for the last twenty years has documented the essential ecological services provided by mature forests and large mature urban trees. Free and open to the public.

RVSP online and note on the form whether attending in-person at the Alliance Room at First Unitarian Universalist Society in Newton (FUUSN — 1326 Washington Street, West Newton) or remotely by Zoom (link will be sent to those registered for remote attendance).

With damage and loss increasing around the world, and the impact of extreme weather, Dr. Moomaw’s voice is more important than ever. He promotes “pro-forestation policies” for achieving climate goals and protecting public health in cities from the worst impacts of climate change. 

Like Dr. Moomaw’s advocacy, the advocacy goals of the Be A Tree Protector campaign is to raise awareness of how mature trees fight climate change and to build support to protect these trees from neglect, drought, construction activity, mulch volcanoes, gas leaks, and other threats.  (See before and after photos of tree loss at and the Tree Tag Photo Gallery showing how much each tree contributes to Newton’s shared green infrastructure.) 

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